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The original was posted on /r/golang by /u/mimixbox on 2023-09-03 13:29:48+00:00.

Hello, Golang users.

I enjoy developing small CLI tools in Golang, and I’d like to introduce one of the CLI tools I’ve created.

What’s spare

The “spare” command is a tool designed to create infrastructure for hosting Single Page Applications (SPAs). It stores the SPA on S3 and delivers it through CloudFront. Since it’s still in development, there is currently only one infrastructure pattern that can be built. However, there are plans to expand the infrastructure patterns and support CloudFormation generation in the future.

How to use

The “spare” command is used as follows:

  1. spare init: Generates the configuration file “.spare.yml”.
  2. spare build: Constructs AWS infrastructure based on the “.spare.yml” configuration file. Currently, it creates S3 and CloudFront.
  3. spare deploy: Uploads the SPA to S3.


I am a backend engineer, and my main job involves API development. In addition to my main responsibilities, I am sometimes tasked with “building infrastructure for hosting websites.” This job has some repetitive aspects, and I am considering developing tools to assist with infrastructure setup, similar to ecspresso or lambroll.


It’s still in the development phase, but I would appreciate it if you could show interest in spare command.