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Gotta love the use of quotes here:
it should be treated with “utmost importance.”
In other words, ignore this message from our lawyers.
This whole message reads like “we don’t actually care but we have to say that we do 😉🙂↕️”
Shucks… Maybe if the college didn’t rob the students blind on tuition, and the publishers not rob the students blind on books, maybe they could afford to pay for software licenses. 🤷♂️
If the uni has a license what’s the issue lol
Also kinda shitty of those companies to charge educational instutions
Not only shitty, it’s dumb. Even Adobe knows to give students hefty discounts. It’s how they get new users on the hook.
I’ve been using Jetbrains products for free in college and I can say that it is the best advertisement. I bought it the day after my student license expired.
Ehh even when I was in school I used foss like blender and gimp. I’ve never had an actual copy of 3dsmax, Maya or photosoup. Been plenty productive with that my entire life.
Sure, but that’s far from a universal experience.
If it’s on a students personal device, they can suck my hullabaloo
Then you will be barred ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Your system, your rules but their network and also their rules.MAC randomization to the rescue!
My college used to tie your account to a maximum number of MAC addresses per year and you had to request more over the limit. I think it was like 4 or 5
MAC address cloning to the rescue!
not sure about the majority of the software but I’d recommend FreeCad as an alt to Solidworks
- I’ve heard they’re about to hit their 1.0 release sometime in the near future
As a mechanical engineer who spent multiple thousands of hours using SolidWorks, trying to use FreeCAD felt like flying a Cessna 172 after getting used to a Citation jet.
I’m not well versed in planes, is the cessna better or worse?
A 172 is the plane you train to get a beginner license in. 90-120mph max.
As a french, please don’t give a penny worth of licence to Dassault Systèmes. They were founded by some of the worst ennemy of the people my country made.
Dassault absolutely deserves to rot in hell right next to Adobe