Hi to all of you, Last year I decided to build a Skeletyl keyboard. For many reasons I decided to build it cheap instead of the kit. Despite my lack of experience in building anything it was not really a wise decision. Surprise… Anyway, I printed the the kit and wired the switches and bought the wrong microcontroller, put it of for half a year and then bought nicenanos. And now again I am out of my width. First I am searching for a holder for the nicenanos and second I am searching for some guidance for the pins I am supposed to use. I can read schematics and wild paint drawings, but the general advice for zmk with miryoku seems to be look at kicad files of similar keyboards. Those break me into pieces. Has anyone seen an holder for nicenanos and or some advice for the pins?

  • IcyCollapse@feddit.de
    1 year ago

    You can use any pins from D0 to D21. You can find out where each pin is by searching for “nicenano pinout”. You will have to change the firmware later to fit the chosen pins.

    If you already have a Firmware you can find the pins (at least in QMK) in the info.json or config.h file. I have never used ZMK but the used pins have to be in one of the files.