Their first album release post-ep KIRAMETAL, the self-titled album includes a cleaner produced songs from KIRAMETAL (Skabetty, Delusionalism, and IF A Surfer) while adding 3 new songs.
エンドロール (endroll) is personally my favorite, and in a weird way I don’t think MOTFD have ever reached the same height when it comes to a single song. This one song is an outlier out of all of their release, and somehow it is the most “them”. Its a controlled chaos in ebb and flow, stretched to a 9:25 song.
Thanks for posting this. My favorite MOTFD song is “Highlight” but “Endroll” is a close second. “Highlight” should be on the same album as “Endroll”.
Highlight is a second song on this album, no?
Yes, it is. Track number two is called “ハイライト” -> Highlight.
Edit: Found it on YouTube