Metafalls_ (any)

Yor local bi

  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Personally, most of my 36 and below boards are programmed such that i’d rely on tap dance less. I’d rather put it in a layer, explode it inside the layer for things like parantheses and brackets, or arrange a combo for things that are frequently used but cannot be assigned into a designated first layer.

    Partially because I already have a layout that works on a bigger 40% boards, but another factor of it is how awkward tapdance have always felt to me.

    As for the kanata thing: can’t say I can comment further as I’ve never used it before.

  • Chances are: they are there on smaller keyboards too. It might not be in the usual spot while also hidden behind a layer but its there.

    This used to be a showstopper back when most of the available keyboards are not fully customizable firmware-wise. With the advent of QMK and VIA(L) on a lot of readily available keyboards, however, you can pretty much put any functionalities anywhere on any layer(s) you see fit.