When I joined Lemmy during the Reddit exodus it felt like a new breeze and very positive. It feels like this has changed, posts and comments are more negative. Lots of complaints, even positive news posts receive a lot of negative comments. I am always trying to see the positive in things. Just doesn’t feel fun anymore. Perhaps it’s just me though.

Also still mainly see technical posts, lots of Windows/MS bashing. I’d like to see more communities about non technical things. Perhaps I haven’t discovered them.

  • Axisential@lemmy.nz
    1 year ago

    I’m certainly missing the more niche subreddits I was subscribed to (a couple of really active permaculture ones, favourite bands, hobbies etc) but for the most part I find the general NZ news useful and relevant, and some good conversation around it. Other communities are definitely tech-focused but that may change with time. But as with any group of people, you always get the negative ones - and Baader-Meinhof had a thing or two to say about noticing things!