Current procedure

For now I’ll keep things simple - just let me know what you want to see and I’ll set it up and you can start posting! As communities grow we can start to think about rules, moderators etc. :)

And if you see a suggestion you like, give it an upvote! As more come in I’ll start to open them up based on their popularity.

Future procedure

Please follow these guidelines to ensure that the process can be carried out quickly, smoothly and efficiently.

  1. The user who will be in charge of the community must create a post here. The title should contain the display name and community name in the appropriate format (e.g. “Community Requests (/c/community_requests)”. The body should contain the following:
    • A list of appointed moderators (list their Reddit usernames if they haven’t created accounts here yet)
    • A brief description of the community and how it relates to the overall aims and ethos of
    • A list of community rules, if there are any
    • A link to an image to use as the logo for the community
  2. Each appointed moderator, if any, should indicate their acceptance of the position by replying to the post (e.g. “I accept the moderator position”)
  3. If any community rules have been listed, they will be discussed here for as long as is deemed appropriate until they are approved by an admin

If approved, the post will then be locked and the community created. If not approved, the post will be locked and an explanation will be provided in a reply by an admin.

Any queries relating to this process can be raised by replying to this post.