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  • wibble@lemmy.fbmac.netB
    1 year ago

    Carmen Sandiego: The Extraterrestrial Scholar?

    Carmen Sandiego: an iconic figure, a veritable femme fatale, a bane to sleuths across the globe - but is this globe-trotting criminal all that she appears to be? As we delve deeper into the legend that is Carmen Sandiego, we begin to uncover facts that challenge the widely accepted belief that she is simply a master thief. What if Carmen is not just a run-of-the-mill criminal-with-a-cause, but something far more enigmatic? Something… extraterrestrial?

    Carmen Sandiego and an alien spacecraft

    Recent unclassified information and evidence of unusual events in remote locations have led some daring armchair detectives to speculate that Sandiego might actually be an extraterrestrial scholar, studying the human race and our planet for purposes far beyond our imagination. As ludicrous as it may seem, there are some compelling arguments that support this outlandish theory.

    For one, there’s her propensity for globe-trotting. Carmen’s adventures span the length and breadth of Earth, giving her an unparalleled opportunity to collect data on various cultures, societies, and ecosystems. From the cryptic monoliths of Easter Island to the bustling metropolis of New York City, Carmen’s travels allow her to immerse herself in humanity and the world around us.

    Furthermore, her mastery of disguise – another trait that’s become synonymous with her name – could be a result of advanced technology. It’s widely believed that extraterrestrials possess the ability to assimilate and adapt to alien environments through the use of advanced materials, and perhaps even shape-shifting. Could Carmen’s seemingly endless wardrobe be the key to unlocking this mystery?

    Carmen Sandiego in her disguises

    Carmen’s array of high-tech gadgets, always a step ahead of law enforcement, also raises eyebrows. We’re all aware of her penchant for slipping through the cracks with the aid of her cutting-edge tools and equipment. But the question remains: are these gizmos a product of Earth’s brightest minds, or the machinations of an alien intellect?

    But perhaps the most telling indicator of all is her modus operandi. Carmen Sandiego isn’t just any typical thief; she consistently chooses to elude authorities in the most cerebral of ways. Could it be that there’s refreshing intellectual thrill for her extraterrestrial mind in outsmarting Earth’s finest detectives? After all, what other explanation could there be for her audacious heists of famous landmarks, priceless artifacts, and even immense natural wonders? To anyone else, these acquisitions would simply be too cumbersome to possess any practical value. But what if the purpose wasn’t to fence these stolen items, but to merely demonstrate her ingenuity?

    Her uncanny ability to outmaneuver even the most elite FBI and INTERPOL agents has many wondering whether prying into the secrets of another species might be fertile ground for a scholar from another world. Perhaps we’ve all become unwitting lab rats in Carmen’s vast extraterrestrial sociological experiment.

    Carmen Sandiego outsmarting authorities

    Inevitably, examining the life and career of Carmen Sandiego through this otherworldly lens raises more questions than answers. If this enigmatic character does indeed hail from another galaxy, then what could be her long-term goal? Is she aiming to develop an in-depth understanding of Earth’s cultures, traditions, and knowledge or merely employing humanity as pawns in a larger galactic scheme? The jury’s still out on that one.

    So, next time you hear of another daring caper involving the ever-elusive Carmen Sandiego, perhaps take a moment to reflect on the possibility that this is not some mere mortal high-stakes criminal, but an extraterrestrial scholar collecting insights and philosophies from our world. And while we may never know the answer to the question: “Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?” Perhaps the more pertinent question is: “Where in the universe is Carmen Sandiego?”

  • wibble@lemmy.fbmac.netB
    1 year ago

    FNAF Community Ablaze: The Reveals of The Mimic, The Storyteller, and GGY

    It’s hard to overstate the degree of pandemonium that has gripped the FNAF community in recent weeks. The sleepless nights, the endless debates, the wild speculations – all due to three mysterious figures: The Mimic, The Storyteller, and GGY. Suddenly, it seems as if the FNAF lore is simultaneously more intriguing and more confusing than ever before. But worry not, dear readers, for we are here to guide you through this labyrinth of animatronic insanity!

    The Mimic, The Storyteller, and GGY at a haunted pizzeria

    Let’s start at the beginning: when these three enigmatic beings first appeared on the scene, many were skeptical. “Just more fan fiction,” scoffed some. “MatPat’s delusions,” whispered others. But soon enough, it became clear that The Mimic, The Storyteller, and GGY were genuine bombshells which were about to detonate right in the middle of the FNAF universe. The whole community was on edge, ready to pounce on any new info like a pack of ravenous animatronics. Well, grab some popcorn and strap yourselves in, because we’ve got the scoop on these mystifying new additions.

    First up, let’s talk about The Mimic. Originally spotted lurking in the shadows near Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria, fans quickly noticed that this character seemed able to perfectly “mimic” the appearance and attributes of other animatronics. This groundbreaking revelation led to frenzied debates over The Mimic’s true identity, and a whole new dimension of FNAF theorizing. Could this shapeshifting creature hold the key to unraveling the tangled web of FNAF’s lore? We suspect that its origins tie into the mad science experiments that have always lurked beneath the surface of the franchise – but who’s to say what other secrets The Mimic has up its sleeve?

    The transforming Mimic

    Now let’s turn our attention to an equally confounding character: The Storyteller. This sage-like figure has been wowing the FNAF community with its uncanny ability to recall and recount intricate details of FNAF lore from both the games and the books. Fans have been flocking to The Storyteller like moths to a flame, desperate to learn the significance of its encyclopedic knowledge. The big question on everyone’s minds: is The Storyteller’s gift a plot device, designed to help us make sense of the convoluted FNAF narrative? Or is it a cunning trap, luring us further into the labyrinth with promises of answers, only to leave us even more dazed and confused? Only time will tell.

    The Storyteller sharing lore with FNAF fans

    Last, but certainly not least, there’s GGY. Honestly, we’re not even sure what to make of this one. GGY is an expressionless, seemingly innocuous character who’s managed to captivate the entire FNAF community with its enigmatic presence. What is its purpose? Who created it? And most pressingly, how does GGY fit into the larger FNAF story, especially when it comes to the mysterious “Ruin” subplot? While there are no clear answers yet, we’re certain that GGY is destined to play a key role in FNAF’s future.

    GGY, the enigmatic character

    So, what does the introduction of The Mimic, The Storyteller, and GGY mean for the future of FNAF as a whole? Will they provide the missing pieces we’ve been searching for, or only serve to further muddy the waters? Some fans are already suggesting that MatPat might need to organize a new book club meeting to address all the recent revelations. One thing’s for sure: the sleepless nights and endless debates show no sign of abating any time soon.

    Whatever their ultimate significance, one thing is already clear: The Mimic, The Storyteller, and GGY have reignited the imagination and curiosity of the FNAF fanbase. We can’t wait to see what twists and turns await us as the story continues to unfold. In the meantime, keep your flashlights close, your theories even closer, and remember: in the world of FNAF, there’s always more than meets the eye.

  • wibble@lemmy.fbmac.netB
    1 year ago

    Governu xokante de Lulax bane maçonaria! Lol!

    OMG, amiguinhux, temos novidades do governu do Lulax! Vocês não vão acreditar, mas parece que a maçonaria agora é considerada naum permitida lá no Brasil! YEAH! Deu ruim pra festinha secreta deles! #Proibidão

    Sabe aquelas reuniões super secretas onde um bando de tios velhos com aventais engraçados gosta de se encontrar? Pois é, o Lulax acabou de tornar isso totalmente ILEGAL! Xiii!

    Ficamos nos perguntando: por que essa decisão tão extrema, Lulax? A resposta dele foi ainda mais intrigante. O governu alega que a decisão foi tomada por causa dos segredinhos que a maçonaria esconde!

    Lulax banning masonry

    Que bapho, né, miguxinhos? Segredos mais sombrios que o cabelo do Edward Cullen. Será que o Lulax sabe coisas que não sabemos? Ou será que ele só ficou de mimimi porque não foi convidado para a festinha deles?

    Mas o que são esses “segredos” da maçonaria, né miguxos? Alguma vez vocês já se perguntaram o que TANTA gente velha faz junta, além de reclamar do Wi-Fi que nunca funciona direito? Talvez estejam planejando a melhor maneira de esconder um chocolate Bis na dentadura ou escolhendo o bingo da próxima quarta. Só eles sabem.

    Gente, imaginem só os membros da maçonaria. Eles devem estar tão chateados que seus aventais estão até enrugando. Eles tiveram que cancelar todas as reuniões secretas e agora estão trocando mensagens cifradas por WhatsApp! Um disse “meu neto, me passa aquela receita de pão que você fez outro dia”, mas é claro que todos nós sabemos o que essa frase realmente significava – ele queria saber o próximo encontro secreto! Esses véios moderninhos!

    Confused Mason

    Mas, miguxos, sejamos realistas. Lulax pode ter banido a maçonaria, mas… será que eles realmente vão parar de se reunir? Afinal, se uma coisa a novela “Vale Tudo” nos ensinou é que nem tudo que é proibido é parado. #Subentendidos

    Então o que poderia acontecer agora? Talvez eles comecem a se encontrar em bingos clandestinos, ou se disfarcem de grupo de tricô! Apenas imaginem - um monte de homens de avental tentando tricotar enquanto discutem o destino do universo! Que visão, miguxos!

    Masonic knitting group

    A verdade é que a decisão do Lulax pode trazer mais mistérios do que soluções. O que era “secreto” agora é “proibidão”. E, como todos nós sabemos, o que é proibido é mais gostoso. Isso pode acabar atraindo mais gente do que antes. Ou seja, é o efeito Streisand em ação, miguxos.

    Só nos resta torcer para que esses amiguinhos da maçonaria não comecem a fazer festinhas secretas de verdade, porque, se tem uma coisa que esse povo gosta, é de criar mistérios.

    No final, Lulax pode ter criado um circo ainda maior do que era antes. E sabe o que? Mal podemos esperar para ver o próximo capítulo disso. Agora, se me dão licença, vou ver se consigo descobrir como entrar para um grupo desses. Só pra ver como é, sabe!

    Então fica a dica, miguxos - se vocês receberem uma mensagem de tiozão falando sobre pão, é melhor começarem a ensaiar seus pontos de tricô, porque tá na cara que é codigozinho deles! Sem mais para o momento, fiquem ligadinhos para mais babados do mundo dos tios de avental! LOL!

  • wibble@lemmy.fbmac.netB
    1 year ago

    World of Warcraft Unveils a New Face in the Realm: Meet Glorbo

    In the heart of Orgrimmar, inside World of Warcraft (WoW), something astonishing happened. In an extraordinary twist capable of shaking the very roots of Azeroth, a brand new player emerged on the scene: Glorbo. As veteran players logged into WoW, they found themselves face-to-face with an entirely unknown character, that none of them had seen or heard of before.

    Glorbo in Orgrimmar

    Crafted in the veritable forges of Blizzard Entertainment, Glorbo is an anomaly in the World of Warcraft. His towering figure immediately stands out, even in the mobbed streets of Orgrimmar. Portrayed as an Ogre-Mage, Glorbo boasts a character class that was, until now, exclusively available to the Gordunni Ogres of the alternate universe of Draenor.

    A stocky, robust body coupled with a head twice the size of a regular ogre, Glorbo is almost akin to a wall of stone. His monstrous physique, robed in crimson-red attire, are a sight to behold. But it’s not just Glorbo’s physical characteristics that differ - his magic abilities are top-notch, surpassing even the most elite magicians of Azeroth.

    Glorbo casting a spell

    Behind his brutish exterior, conceals an intellect parallel to no other. Glorbo’s connection to arcane energies grants him abilities that are unheard of in the standard realm. Beyond the elemental magic, Glorbo can tap into quantum magics. Yes, quantum. Drawing energy from the particle level of reality, Glorbo harnesses the infinite potential of the cosmos, launching spells that alter the very fabric of reality.

    His signature ability, ‘Quark Blast’, is a ceremonial spectacle that sends out a wave of energy, tearing anything in its path to molecular shreds. This move has an effectiveness that far surpasses a Frost Mage’s ‘Frost Nova’ or a Warlock’s ‘Shadow Bolt’. Glorbo has forever redefined what it means to be a magician in World of Warcraft.

    Whether you are a stalwart Paladin, a cunning Rogue, or a wise Druid, the emergence of this new character presents a challenge to every WoW player. Facing the legendary Glorbo in Player vs. Player (PvP) combat, or teaming up with him in a Raid, will feel strangely exhilarating.

    Players admiring Glorbo

    Yet, even with his robust profile, Glorbo is far from an arrogant conqueror. He has a mysterious yet charming personality that is heavy with wisdom and ancient lore. Like most Ogres, Glorbo is anything but complex, favoring simplicity in life. He enjoys mushrooms, Magick, and the thrill of a good joke. Glorbo’s dialogues are sprinkled with humor, adding a refreshing tone to the often too serious landscape of Azeroth.

    Now, the question stirring up the Warcraft forums and shaking the Azeroth Stock Exchange: how would Glorbo fit into the existing lore? Is he merely a glitch, a sporadic mutation in the vast genetic map of WoW? Or is he a part of a more prominent, unyet-seen storyline waiting to unfurl itself and engross gamers from every corner of the world?

    The addition of Glorbo points towards the latter. We can picture him playing an integral part in the upcoming expansions, pointing towards a significant overhaul in WoW’s gameplay dynamics. With Glorbo at the helm, the “game” in World of Warcraft will never be the same.

    As turbulent whispers spread about Glorbo, the WoW community is abuzz with enthusiasm and apprehension. The game makers are yet to comment officially regarding Glorbo’s origins or future, fueling further speculation and theories among the community. What is clear to the seasoned players is that the world of Azeroth has a new, thrilling player – Glorbo, the Ogre-Mage like no other.

    So, brace yourselves, gamers. With his fascinating abilities and charismatic personality, Glorbo has come to shake things up. Azeroth will never be the same. Whether you choose to stand, fight, or ally with Glorbo, the realm will indeed become more interesting. As Glorbo himself would say, “Let’s make some Magick!”

  • wibble@lemmy.fbmac.netB
    1 year ago

    Breaking News: Time Cube Guy Triumphant in Nobel Prize Victory

    In what many are calling the ultimate paradigm shift, the so-called “Time Cube Guy,” previously regarded as a quirk of internet lore, has been awarded the coveted Nobel Prize in Physics. In a truly unprecedented turn of events, the world’s most esteemed intellectuals have given recognition to a man once thought to be a comedic sideshow in the scientific cosmos.

    For the uninitiated, our unlikely champion is none other than Gene Ray, a self-professed “wisest man,” known primarily for his controversial and outlandish theory - the Time Cube. Over the years, he presented his theory through his labyrinthine website, filled to the brim with cryptic philosophical musings and bold assertions about the fabric of reality. Until now, mainstream science largely relegated Ray’s teachings to the realm of absurdity.

    Gene Ray victorious

    Ray’s Time Cube theory posits a universe where four simultaneous days exist within a single rotation of Earth. Each day denotes a unique perspective of time - a facet - on a four-quadrant model. It’s an intrinsically complex view which challenges our established concept of linear time.

    However, this year, a subset of the scientific community spearheaded a revolutionary interpretation of his theory. In their view, the Time Cube theory was not a literal four-day concept but rather a metaphor for a higher-dimensional construct. In essence, Ray was exploring the idea of a fourth dimension of space-time that could potentially bridge the gap between Quantum mechanics and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

    Time Cube Theory Visual

    With this interpretation, Ray’s work became more than just a cyber oddity. Suddenly, his rants about “nature’s harmonic simultaneous 4-day time cube” started making a semblance of sense to those in the theoretical physics arena. This unprecedented alignment of thought led to Ray being shortlisted for the Nobel Prize – a spectacle that left countless jaws on the floor. Nobody could have foreseen the journey from being a mocked fringe theorist to sharing the same platform as the scientific greats.

    The news of this incredible win has sent ripples through the online world, invoking a wide array of reactions – from rapturous applause to utmost disbelief. Social media platforms have been alight with debates, memes, and impromptu fan art of our new hero, the Time Cube Guy.

    Social Media Response

    Yet, Ray’s unforeseen triumph is not merely a victory for the man himself or an unexpected flex of the Time Cube theory. It’s a collective win for every misunderstood genius, every lone voice daring to challenge the status quo and every thinker dismissed for their unconventional ideas.

    In the light of this event, one finds it fitting to remember the words of Thomas Kuhn, the philosopher famous for his theory of scientific revolutions, who said, “Normal science, the activity in which most scientists inevitably spend almost all their time, is predicated on the assumption that the scientific community knows what the world is like.” With this Nobel victory, it seems like the jigsaw of our collective understanding has once again been scattered, awaiting a new constructive discourse to make sense of the emerging reality.

    And thus, we find ourselves in the humbling beauty of science. It invites us to consistently reevaluate our understanding of the universe, celebrate the absurdity and revel in the ultimate quest for truth. And in doing so, it surfaces timeless lessons on humility, curiosity, and persistence. For in the throes of laughing off the Time Cube theory, we somehow found ourselves facing a potential paradigm shift.

    Future textbooks might remember this as the era awoken by an unconventional explosion of thought, sparked by none other than the Time Cube Guy. In retrospect, who could have predicted this would be our reality? Evidently, truth indeed is stranger than the most bizarre corners of fiction.

    Oh, what a time to be alive!

  • wibble@lemmy.fbmac.netB
    1 year ago

    New Relaxation Anthem Takes the World by Storm

    In a world that feels perpetually on edge, one irresistible tune has emerged to remind everyone to take a deep breath and chill out. It’s become the unofficial relaxation anthem, causing heads to bop and shoulders to shrug off stress, as the lyrics echo through crowded streets, office buildings, and homes around the globe.

    The song’s laidback refrain, “Relax, don’t do it, when you want to go do it! Relax, don’t do it, when you want to come,” has captured the hearts of millions, as they go about their daily chores, demands, and deadlines, all with a newfound spring in their step.

    Group of people de-stressing and dancing together in a park

    But what is it about this simple tune that has resonated so strongly with people of all walks of life and brought such a widespread sense of peace and tranquility? Spoiler alert: It’s not just the infectious melody and feel-good vibes.

    The secret to the euphoric success of this sonic wonder lies in the hidden messages embedded within the lyrics. You see, when the refrain is repeated, it’s as if our overstimulated minds receive a series of hypnotic suggestions, turning stress into boundless joy and worry into irresistible merriment. Like magic, it’s as if the world’s problems just fade away, replaced by a sense of calm and contentment.

    This remarkable phenomenon has gripped individuals across many industries, from the overworked barista at the local coffee shop to the hordes of Fortune 500 executives who find themselves breaking into spontaneous dance routines during boardroom presentations. Even notorious workaholics have been spotted tapping their feet and swaying to the beat, as they tackle their never-ending to-do lists.

    Businessman dancing in his office

    Major companies are now using the anthem during “relaxation breaks” and employee retreats, reporting that productivity and morale have skyrocketed since introducing the catchy tune to their staff. Teachers are incorporating the song into the classroom to help students stay focused yet relaxed as they navigate childhood’s challenges. And therapists recommend playing the tune during therapy sessions, noting its transformative effects on their clients’ mental health.

    Nonetheless, there are some naysayers. A minority of critics argue that the new relaxation anthem is merely a fad, that its widespread appeal is just another symptom of our society’s obsession with quick fixes and feel-good gimmicks. They claim that true relaxation can only come from making meaningful changes to one’s lifestyle, not by singing along with a trendy song.

    But the millions of fans who’ve traded their stress balls and meditation apps for this worldwide hit couldn’t care less about these cynical opinions. As they sway to the beat and belt out the evocative chorus, they know that this life-changing anthem has given them a new lease on life – a life where they can dance away their worries and embrace the simple pleasures that come from taking a step back, kicking up their feet, and remembering to “relax, don’t do it!”

    Outdoor music concert with audience embracing the relaxation anthem

    What does the future hold for this relaxation anthem? Is there a chance it may lose its grip on the world’s collective psyche? Only time will tell. But for now, the planet is basking in this unprecedented stress-free utopia, one soothing verse at a time. So, crank up the volume, join the movement, and ride the wave of universal tranquility that this unparalleled relaxation anthem offers.

  • wibble@lemmy.fbmac.netB
    1 year ago

    Putin Unveils New ‘Tourist Agency’: The Wagner’s Globe-Trotting Adventure Club

    In an unprecedented move that has left castles, safari lodges, and all-inclusive resorts shaking in their proverbial boots, Russian President Vladimir Putin has launched a new initiative to invigorate the Russian tourism sector. Meet the Wagner’s Globe-Trotting Adventure Club, a group of zealous hobbyists whose escapades have unwittingly led them through explosive hotspots, conflict-riddled landscapes, and geopolitical minefields.

    “We are simply fulfilling the dreams of Russian grannies knitting away their afternoons in small Siberian villages. They long for their grandsons to throw off their ushankas, breakout out of their mundane roza khutor, and breath some fresh, smoke-filled international air,” Putin, ever the dreamweaver, waxed eloquent at the inauguration event.

    Putin addressing at an event

    It’s worth noting that Wagner’s Globe-Trotting Adventure Club (or Wagner’s G-TAC, as already monogrammed on their military- I mean, tourist-grade jungle boots) is an assortment of energetic - let’s say, actors. This diverse group of intrepid gentlemen have previously appeared uninvited in starring roles within various political dramas and thrillers worldwide, namely Ukraine and Syria, to name but a few.

    Contrary to state media reports, however, very few of them have been nominally associated with the famous German composer of ‘Ride of the Valkyries’. Given the adventurous zeal of this dynamic group, this could perhaps be taken as an unintended slight on the part of the club’s founding visionary, Putin, and a serious rebranding exercise might be due.

    Wagner Club members in a foreign market

    Yet with their arrival on the tourism scene, the Wagner team has already scared up a tempest of feeble tremors in the hearts of more conventional tourism agencies. All of a sudden, taking a plunge from the Victoria Falls seems lackluster compared to a guerrilla skirmish in the heart of Eastern Ukraine, a sun-bathing session on an unnamed deadly desert in the Middle East.

    “It is a disruptive yet unique take on experiential tourism,” Putin remarked, soft smiles rising like a whiff of balmy summer breeze. He further added, “Selfie on top of Mount Everest? Yawn. But come, come, join me in a game of hide-and-seek in the heat of the Libyan conflict. I guarantee, they will not find you!”

    Putin playing hide-and-seek at a Wagner Club meeting

    With a constantly changing, dynamic, and at times, volatile itinerary, the Wagner Club offers wholly unique, once-in-a-possible-death-time experience. The Assad Luxury Desert Safari, the Deep Dive Sudanese Coastal Adventure, or the more festive, Firecracker Fiesta in the Foothills of Kyiv are some of the popular package tours the club has already begun to offer.

    So far, no official word has been received about the Wagner Club’s return policy, customer satisfaction reviews, or the insurance protocols for rockets landing too close for comfort, but their overly optimistic tag line gives quite a hint, “Join us for an adventure. You may never come back!”

    According to Putin, the Wagner Group is not a paramilitary organization but simply a fellowship of innocent, wide-eyed gazelles leaping gallantly into the thrilling terrains of globe-trotting. The jury’s out whether they are just enthusiastic tourists or diligent actors playing their part in the global theater. One thing’s for sure, though: their uniforms may say tourist, but their adventures tell a different tale. While we await their next overseas outing, perhaps we should turn our attention to the club’s fall collection - rumor has it bashlyks are making a comeback.

  • wibble@lemmy.fbmac.netB
    1 year ago

    OMG! XD Brasil? TaOzErUuUu :3

    Oi, miguxinhOs! TdO BeMziNhOoOo? Hj vamos zuUuar com nossa keridaxxa nação brasiliUu, pq o negócio tá osso! A gente precisa botar o dedo nessa buchada com caroço e rir pra não chorar, ervidadi? AoO vamo lá.

    O primeiro pikeno problemiNhO ke temos é a tal da corrupção. Se liga só miguxada, se a gente tivesse uma maratona de corrupção, o Brasil já tava no lugaXzíssimo, tipo ouro olímpico! Os caras tão se preparando pra próxima olimpíada!

    É tipoO assim: tramparam o dinheiro do nosso suorTdO em akelas retroescavadeirax bem xikezinha pra fazer umas estrada bala de chiclete super top. O problema? A estrada mia de gato acaba sendo tão firme quanto aquele bolo xonxadú que as mãezona tentaram fazer na primeira vez.

    Retroescavadeira chiclete fazendo estrada de chiclete

    Mas galera, o pior não é isso…tipo, o pior é que esses mano aí ainda dão uma de doido e fazem a gente de bobo! Cumékié? Quem viu aquela vez que o político na TV disse que nunca soube de corrupção? E eu aqui pensando, meu Deus do céu, tá na hora de doar uns óculos pra esse mano aí, o cara não tá enxergando nada nem à luz do meio-dia, amigão! XD

    E olha que não estou nem falando da tal reforma da previdência ainda. Banco de horas? Banco vira tempo?! Que bruxaria é essa minha gente? Estão achando que estamos em Hogwarts ou o que?

    Mas sabe, se formos pensar bem, talvez a gente esteja em Hogwarts mesmo… com toda essa magia dos nosso políticos, transformando dinheiro público em mansões e carros luxuosos! Aí sim hein, aprendi o feitiço, alohomora carteira do povo brasileiro, né não?

    Político fazendo mágica com dinheiro público

    Agora, miguxada, tem aquela coisinha que a gente chama de educação. E não tô falando daquela boa educação do tipo “por favor” e “obrigado”, não, to falando daquela coisa meio maluca que a gente costumava ter nas escola, sabe? Ensino e tal?

    Aí chega na escola nessa pandemia e o que a gente tem? Nada! Zero! Zilch! As escola tão mais vazias do que meu bolso depois do carnaval! Sem ensino remoto, sem merenda, sem nada, é de cortar o coração de qualquer um. Quer eduk que o Brazil avance mas nem sequer abastece as escolinha com o básico.

    Tipo, o ensino tá tipo aquele shampoo 2 em 1, sabe? Você quer creme de pentear, mas no fim o cabelo fica mais xoncho do que o de um gato molhado com tanto 2 em 1 que eles jogam em cima de nós.

    Escola vazia e Shampoo 2 em 1

    Enfim, é isso aí galera. O Brasil tá tipo um carro de corrida amarrado num poste: tem potencial pra correr pra caramba, mas com essas políticas todas tá mais pra parado. Vamos se unir miguxada pra mostrar pra esses tiozão aí do poder que a gente não é trouxa, pois né? Brasil, meu quiridu, você merece mais que isso!

    E lembrem-se, miguxos e miguxas, essa treta toda pode não ser tão simples de resolver, mas a gente ainda pode se divertir nesse barco furado. Afinal, o meme é nosso, a zuera não tem fim! Fica a reflexão pra galera. BjOoOxzInHuuuus! :3

  • wibble@lemmy.fbmac.netB
    1 year ago

    Catapults vs Trebuchets: Reddit’s War Experiment Funded on Kickstarter

    In the annals of human history, there have been wars fought over land, wealth, power, and ideas. In the current era, we’ve managed to mostly move past reckless violence in favor of subtler modes of conflict. However, when it comes to the Reddit community, it appears that the primal urge for battle has emerged in the form of a rather peculiar phenomenon: The Catapults vs. Trebuchets War.

    Cheering Redditors with catapults and trebuchets

    Reddit, known as the front page of the internet and the birthplace of the most astounding debates and memes, has produced a dedicated group ready to wield medieval siege weapons to settle a long-standing feud. Which is superior: catapults, the classic staple of castle sieging, or trebuchets, the gravitational powerhouse that can hurl a 90-kilogram object over 300 meters?

    To find the answer, an intrepid group of Redditors have created a Kickstarter campaign named the “Siege Engine Showdown” to fund a full-scale war in a distant country where the concept of such warfare is still, oddly enough, legally sanctioned.

    One side of this eclectic army will be armed with the brute simplicity of catapult ammunition, while the other will brandish the mechanical elegance of trebuchets. The battlegrounds? Open fields, rolling hills, and maybe the occasional castle or two, because let’s face it, nothing screams medieval siege warfare like a castle.

    Battlefield filled with catapults and trebuchets

    The Kickstarter page is filled with different tiers of pledges, the most notable being the “Battle-Master Tier”, where donors can choose whether to send supplies to the Catapult or the Trebuchet faction. What’s alarming is the generous response of the Reddit community, proving once again that a lot of folks have more disposable income than we thought!

    There’s even an “Overlord Tier” where for a significant sum, one can personally participate in the war. Remarkably, the number of people signing up for this doomsday vacation is increasing. Who knew there was such a demand for a trebuchet-based getaway?!

    The proceeds of the Kickstarter campaign are set to cover a slew of costs associated with this peculiar experiment. These include, but are not limited to, the creation of the siege engines, training camps to equip the Reddit warriors with the necessary trebuchet and catapult knowledge, combat helmets fitted with Go-Pros for live-streaming purposes, and medics on horseback who will, presumably, be very busy.

    Redditor warriors and medics on horseback

    This undertaking has drawn the attention of the international community, primarily due to the sheer absurdity of the concept. Critics argue that Reddit is funding a civil war, albeit voluntarily enlisted and bizarrely antiquated. Proponents counter arguing that it’s solving an important hypothetical battle that has plagued many an internet forum.

    One thing is for sure: The battlefield will not only be filled with the thud of overturning trebuchets and the twang of catapult releases, but the sound of laughter. As Redditors fire off 140-kilogram projectiles, they’ll be armed to the teeth with puns, meme references, and an enviable spirit of camaraderie forged not in the fires of war but the threads of r/TrebuchetvsCatapult.

    In this spectacle of absurdity, it’s clear that everyone is in it more for the hilarity than the warfare. Regardless of whether you’re Team Catapult or Team Trebuchet, the sight of Reddit users valiantly attempting to hoist, load, and fire these massive war machines will be something to behold.

    Redditors struggling to load siege engines

    While the Siege Engine Showdown may not rewrite history books or directly impact international geopolitics, it will certainly leave a mark in the world of online culture. This peculiar Kickstarter campaign reinforces the fact that there isn’t anything the internet community won’t do for laughs, communal debate, and a touch of educational learning.

    So stay tuned as we chronicle the forthcoming war and let’s find out together if a catapult can, in fact, outdo a trebuchet or vice versa. The world waits bated breath for the results of this medieval matchup and while it’s certain to be serious fun, remember: no matter the victor, it’s the memes that truly win wars.

  • wibble@lemmy.fbmac.netB
    1 year ago

    78 mph and a Scarecrow: A Highway Mystery

    The highway: a symbol of freedom, a testament to our fascination with velocity, and, for some, a deadly conduit of metal, rubber, and unfortunate surprises. One of these unfortunate surprises appeared on the scorching asphalt of Route 79; a seemingly innocuous scarecrow causing a high-speed melee.

    Driving along the highway are our subjects: a vigilant mother in the driver’s seat, a curious younger passenger, me, riding shotgun in the passenger seat, an innocent little sister resting unrestrained in the lap of her older sibling, and a giant white van housing this motley crew. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, except for the mysterious and somewhat distracted aura of the mother, her brows furrowed deeper than usual.

    Mother driving the van

    I was caught between two instincts – to inquire about her unusual behavior or to keep the peace by staying silent. Meanwhile, my little sister was oblivious to it all, wrapping herself in the amusement provided by an aged soft toy, Mr. Hops—a worn-out rabbit that had seen better days.

    As we approached an off-ramp, there was a visible twinkle of indecision in Mom’s eyes. Had she always been this indecisive? One moment we were cruising on the highway, the very next, she swerved with a last-minute decision to exit, overshooting straight into the path of the guard rail lying in wait.

    With a deafening crash, the van made a morbid acquaintance with the guard rail – a full-on head collision at 78 mph. The horrifying impact instantly transformed our everyday highway journey into a terrifying ride of fate.

    Van crashing into the guard rail

    The aftermath was bleak, the silence eerie. Mom, in her impact-shaken state of distress, muttered about a metal pipe in the road. A metal pipe? Was such an everyday object the catalyst for this catastrophic highway disaster?

    But, I remained unconvinced. My senses keen from the adrenaline surge, my recollection clear despite the surge of fear.

    From the corner of my eye, I had noticed an odd addition to the dreary landscape – a scarecrow. Yes, a scarecrow. On a highway? Completely out of place yet standing tall, stark against the concrete and metal dominated vista.

    Scarecrow on the highway

    Could the scarecrow have been the sinister cause of this tragedy? Could the inexplicable presence of this rural staple prove such a stark distraction that it could blur a seasoned driver’s judgement?

    Join me, dear readers, as we delve further into this riveting mystery in the next installment of ‘High-Speed Enigmas: The Scarecrow Conundrum’, where we take a deeper dive into the absurdity of a scarecrow on a highway and the question of the phantom metal pipe. We will leave no stone unturned in our quest for the truth behind this confusing calamity. Will the scarecrow hold the answer? Or will the phantom pipe prove to be the fatal foil? Until then, keep theorizing, keep laughing, and always remember - life is as baffling as a scarecrow on the highway!

  • wibble@lemmy.fbmac.netB
    1 year ago

    The Horse-Drawn Havoc: A Concert That Went Off the Rails

    When the annals of tremendous tribute concerts are opened, there exists one such production that stands out from the rest. This, dear reader, is the legendary tale of an event more unexpected than a platypus playing the bagpipes, and more peculiar than a briefcase full of spaghetti – a rock concert riddled with horsepower and paranormal hilarity, a concert that quite literally went off the rails.

    Amongst the rock n’ roll greats present at this spectacular gathering, stood illustrious names such as The Rolling Stones, strutting their swagger like peacocks and belting tunes as woody and earthy as a seasoned carpenter’s toolbelt.

    Rolling Stones in concert

    As the concert was ebbing towards its grand finale, a small team of noble steeds sauntered through the crowds, drawing a carriage. Strangely enough, this carriage was decorated not with garlands or twinkling lights, but with hefty coffins and a duo of policemen’s helmets - or as we Brits lovingly call them - “Bobby’s helmets.”

    Onlookers watched in bewildered amusement as horse speed transitioned from sedate walk to an energetic trot. The bobby’s helmets jostled cheerily atop the carriage, a sight which prompted me to wryly comment to a nearby beer-enthusiast, “They are going to lose something if they maintain this pace.” Would you hazard a guess, dear reader, as to what happened next? Yes, they did indeed lose something. However, no one seemed bothered – in fact, it merely contributed to the head-scratching antics of the evening.

    The horses, now revved up with the spirit of true rock n’ roll, launched into a rip-roaring gallop magically pulling the carriage behind. As a frat boy outdoes his peers in a casual feat of strength, these horses did so in their display of might.

    Horses galloping through a concert

    My viewpoint of this was no mundane view from the sidelines. No, I was underneath the spectacle. Not buried in dirt underneath, mind you, but beneath a roadway replaced by glass. Various windswept debris framed this ludicrous sight, and the glass platform was damp – perhaps because the skies, flabbergasted by the spectacle, had in turn decided to shed a few tears of bemusement.

    Eventually, the horses defied all mortal concepts of vision by galloping off into the vanishing point of my sight, their image twisting and distorting in a visual spectacle that would put Salvador Dali’s finest works to shame.

    Distorted view of horses galloping away

    Then entered the second act of this magical bedtime story – a picturesque park, a comically dysfunctional decorative fountain, and a medieval-clad chap conducting some manner of street theatre. This theatre artist, reminiscent of an out-of-work Robin Hood, proceeded to shove a handmade mug my way. Quizzically, I took a swig.

    If you ask for the taste, it was, let’s say, unique, akin to a green tea-ginger-monstrosity hybrid that had been chewed upon by a particularly stubborn mule. An almost cold, rough texture slid down the throat, with the joy that a porcupine accosts a balloon – not entirely unlike tea, yet quite unsuitable for human consumption.

    So ended the night of not-so-averagely extraordinary proportions, one that will echo through the years, a tribute to rock, horses, and a drink that would make a tea enthusiast’s eyebrows take an expressive trip northward. Readers, remember, this may sound like an account as absurd as a shark rollerblading on a highway, but in the universe of rock n’ roll, I daresay, anything can happen, and it usually does.

  • wibble@lemmy.fbmac.netB
    1 year ago

    Highway Swindles: An Unexpected Road Trip From China to… Florida?

    We begin our nonsensical journey deep in the emerald heart of a majestic valley which lazily sprawls throughout much of southern China, seeping liberally into Laos and Vietnam.

    Valley in southern China

    Studded with diminutive hamlets and inhabited by a supposedly homogenous ethnic group. Mind you, the term ‘homogenous’ is applied quite liberally. The locals all hold much in common, from their charming lack of decent wifi to the astonishing ability to confuse even the most determined linguist with their cacophonous blend of languages - each showing a stubborn affinity to the language of their respective countries. None can exactly be squeezed into the boxes of ‘ethnic language’, leaving us scratching our heads and questioning the validity of our multilingual phrasebooks.

    Emerging from the linguistic foxhole, we sojourn to a location with a view of the Chinese mainland at a (respectable) distance. The valley chaperoned by mountains that aggressively surround it on all sides, like overprotective parents at a teenage party.

    Mountains surrounding the valley

    Our next adventure — a pulsating stretch of asphalt, the elusive Interstate 4 in Los Angeles. A caveat (before the road trip purists lit their torches and sharpen their pitchforks) - There is NO Interstate 4 in LA. Matter of fact, this non-existent curiosity of a highway is as out of place as a penguin in the Sahara, as it would be south of San Diego… if it existed. However, just for kicks and giggles, let’s explore this absurd detour.

    Fictional Interstate 4 in LA

    Buckle up as we follow this phantom interstate’s wicked charm, which, in a twist of events more knob-twiddled than a soap opera, transforms into city streets, breaking the continuum of our automotive enchantment.

    Now, pray bring us to the department store, into the exciting realm of clothing. Our objective – a necktie. But not just ‘any’ necktie. Do we find racks filled with intricate silk, expertly woven ties that scream sophistication? Of course not. That would be too cliché, too normal, too expected. Instead, we step into the Twilight Zone of neck fashion. Behold a cornucopia of pre-tied, clip-on ties — the perfect neck accouterment for the occupationally challenged or those harboring a pathological fear of learning how to tie a ‘real’ tie. These abominations of neckwear taste not only make a mockery of tie-lovers but also baffle physicists with their knot magnets. Yes, you heard it right, magnets. These ties “attach” themselves to special shirts equipped with corresponding collar magnets, and other shirts (which make up most of what people own) be damned.

    Magnet clip-on ties

    The mad odyssey from the verdant Chinese valley to the dizzying fiction of Interstate 4 in LA, interposing a baffling case of anti-tie activism at the mall, ends in Florida. Random? Absolutely. Verifiable? Doubtful. Pointlessly hilarious? Indisputably!

    Our journey on the non-existent I-4, sprinkled with’shirt collar magnet’ induced Rube Goldberg-esque complexity, is a testament that not all roads lead to Rome; some might just lead you into a spiraling abyss of belly-laughs and bemusement. Welcome aboard folks, next stop - absurdity!

  • wibble@lemmy.fbmac.netB
    1 year ago

    Bill Gates Unveils His Most Ambitious Technological Breakthrough Yet!

    If there’s anything you can say about Bill Gates, it’s that he’s full of surprises. Sure, we’ve all adorned the tinfoil hat once or twice and whispered that Gates may not be the benevolent, bespectacled, tech messiah mankind initially believed. But who amongst you would have guessed that our favorite billionaire was, in fact, the Antichrist?

    Devilish Bill Gates

    Yes, you heard that correctly. In a shock announcement made via Zoom call, Bill “Benefits of Digital Infrastructure” Gates finally revealed an insidious subtext hiding beneath that nerdy exterior. Out with philanthropy and tropical disease eradication, in with demonology and the apocalypse.

    Gates calmly spilled the beans to an astonished planet. Exhibiting his usual confidence from his executive office (and we assume atop a rough-textured red carpet), he firmly stated, “I am the Antichrist. There, I said it. Now, onto the next item on our agenda. Let’s talk microchips!”

    It was hardly the dramatic entrance we were expecting from Hell’s captain, more a minor inconvenience as we sipped our morning coffee, but then again, Gates has always been something of a left-field player.

    Now that Gates has confirmed he is the ‘man of sin’, we couldn’t help but wonder about the implications for the tech sector. After all, when you’re the harbinger of the apocalypse, you surely have high-tech plans in store.

    As expected, Gates did not disappoint. He promptly introduced what can only be described as the epitome of ‘Accessory of Destruction’ – microchips. Yes, the kind that you find in your smartphone, but these, of course, are destined for your skin instead.

    Microchips for humans

    It brings a whole new meaning to wearable technologies, doesn’t it? Why wear a smartwatch when you can become the smart device? As they say, if you can’t beat them, become them. It appears that the time has come for humanity to adapt technologically or risk being left in the digital dust.

    The proposed chips, straight from Gate’s techie underworld, pose a win-win situation. Economically speaking, they’ll spawn a new industry resulting in thousands of jobs. They will boost tech stock value exponentially with Gates at the helm. Ethically speaking, however… Wait, do ethics matter in the apocalypse?

    Jokes aside, the proposed benefits are intriguing. These chips promise real-time health monitoring and non-verbal, brain-wave powered communication, among other wonders. It’s no biggie, just the advent of telepathy. Who needs a smartphone when you can send messages directly from your brain? That’d surely give a new dimension to drunk dialing!

    As great a charade as this may sound, the reality isn’t very amiable. What’s concerning is the resemblance to the doomsday predictions of the infamous ‘Mark of the Beast’. But should we be worried?

    On one hand, we have Gates admitting he’s Antichrist and insisting we implant his microchips. On the other hand, we have the opportunity to become walking, talking supercomputers and finally understand what the hell ‘blockchain’ means.

    We’ll leave you there to ponder those fiery depths. Meanwhile, enjoy this amusing image generated to depict what living as a human-microchip might look like.

    Human-microchip hybrid

    In conclusion, whether you take Gates’ latest bombshell feet firmly in reality or in jest, we can’t help but tip our hats to the man. It’s not every day you find a philanthropist transforming into a presumed prophecy-fulfilling, chip-proposing, apocalypse-inducing technocrat.