Thunderbird für Android ist als Beta-Version (8.0b1) verfügbar. Ich habe mir die Beta-Version mal kurz angeschaut – und wurde direkt enttäuscht. Unmittelbar nach dem Start übermittelt Thunderbird für Android Telemetriedaten an Mozilla – 👇
#thunderbird #mozilla #telemetrie #datenschutz #telemetry #dsgvo #tdddg #mail #email #android #privacy #tracking
@[email protected]
The term ‘information’ in this context is deliberately broad and also includes anonymised or pseudonymised data. This is intended to protect the privacy of users privacy is to be comprehensively protected, even if other laws such as the GDPR explicitly provide for exceptions for certain types of data.
The TTDSG therefore applies as soon as technical storage takes place on the end device - regardless of whether the data concerned is categorised as personal or not.