In the US, the top 3 selling cars are trucks. The Ford F150, Chevrolet Silverado and the RAM Pickup. We are starting to see a few Cybertrucks on the road as well. IMHO, the ugliest car on the planet.

If you were to choose, what would you go for?

I would go for the F150 EV. Pretty nice. I clearly have a bias for electric vehicles of any size.

#Ford #Chevrolet #RAM #Truck #Tesla #CyberTruck

    1 month ago

    @[email protected]
    If I needed one, I would pick a Hilux. But I much prefer 2 wheels, so I probably won’t ever get one.

    Though I’m still trying to figure out how to move a kayak on two wheels. Kayak bicycle trailers aren’t legal here in Denmark (max legal length of bicycle+trailer is 3.5m, most kayaks are longer than that without the bicycle). So if I ever get a truck, that would be the reason.