The official Mastodon app (and most other Fediverse apps) do not collect any data about you.
When you sign up on a Fediverse server, it asks for the minimum amount of information (an email address and a password) and none of this info goes to the app or app makers.
This is in stark contrast to other social networks which seem to collect lots of personal info. See the attached image for a comparison of the privacy policies of various official social network apps.
#Privacy #FediTips #Fediverse
@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]
p.s. As for IP addresses, it’s impossible to use anything online without giving some form of IP address. That’s how the internet knows where to send stuff. It would be like trying to order something to be delivered without giving any kind of delivery address.
That doesn’t mean you have to give your own IP address, the Tor network and VPNs let people hide it.