Nice to see it compressed timing wise, the 12 then wait til 5 a bit annoying for doing other stuff. All eyes on the 9pm local kick off though in Paris. A venue that Ireland haven’t had huge amounts of success in recent years, and against a ferocious South Africa that held Scotland to just 3 points a fortnight ago

But Georgia could do with a confidence boost, England might get a wake up call from Chile too, so all good to watch today!

Home UTC +1 Away
Georgia 1300 Portugal
England 1645 Chile
South Africa 2000 Ireland

As always, shots from pitchside, the pub, or your clubhouse all more than appreciated - please do share! And keep hydrated ;)

    1 year ago

    At the same time, they seem to be on top of KLA and our wings in general. Not giving them the space to step whenever they get the ball