Most of my adult life I’ve procrastinated or generally avoided engaging in a lot of the hobbies I wanted. This was mainly due to addiction and self esteem issues which I’ve mostly put behind me.

Now that I’m a bit more focused I want to catch up on all the things I wanted to try but never made a start on.

The problem is that it’s a pretty long list, and I’m not sure how to approach it.

Do I allocate days to certain things for a longer period of time, or do I try and touch on as many things as I can in a day in shorter windows.

Is it a matter of doing what suits my personality the most, or is there any sort of research that suggests one method is better than the other?

    1 year ago

    Thanks! I hadn’t heard of Anki. That seems really useful.

    Spreading work over time makes a tonne of sense.

    Stamping out procrastination really helps. When I did my post-grad degree, I did assignments as they were given out, instead of waiting until the due date. It made the course more interesting, the work easier, and was easier to get good grades.