This is one of those takes that’s so controversial I’m afraid to post it, which is exactly why I have to.

I neither endorse nor disavow this, and no, I’m not in the picture.

    2 months ago

    I think both denfitionally and opportunistic child molesters should be treated the same, probably with some kind of sentencing and therapy/rehabilitation. Regardless if it is fetish or not, just the fact they’d touch a kid makes their actions wrong. I also fear if we seperate them too much, normal pedophiles might be able to avoid sentencing/treatment by arguing they were oppourtunistic and vice versa, depending which group is set to face harsher punishments.

    Plus, the opportunistic ones may still have some kind of rape/molestation fantasies, which could be treated through similar processes as treating pedophiles.

    I just don’t see the value in making hard lines between the two groups when the actions they do are the same and carry the same harm, just the motives are different.