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The original was posted on /r/asoneafterinfidelity by /u/Earthviolet76 on 2023-10-04 03:03:10.

9 weeks past DDay. WH had a six month long affair with one woman and a one night stand with a second. AP #1 has been kind of a constant worry, because she will text me from burner numbers and email WH. We blocked her main number and her email on all of his accounts, blocked her on socials, etc. But today, she called and texted him from a burner number.

AP#2, I didn’t think of as an issue, but we blocked her on his phone. I forgot to block her through our carrier. She’s started texting and then sending messages through mutual friends. She cornered me in the restroom of a local establishment a few days ago and tried to be friendly. I told her to cut the shit because I know everything. She proceeded to block me on socials. But yesterday, she texted WH want by to talk.

I’m really trying to keep my cool, but it would feel amazing to put them both on blast on socials, or to text them from a burner number and tell them to leave us the hell alone.

I don’t know if I want advice, reassurance, or just support. I’m so angry, all over again.