Ran into this by chance, pretty interesting: I was a little surprised both by the circles and the 1:1 ratio between omote/ura. Also interesting is how he uses a diamond pasted strop seemingly not to refine the edge but more just to deburr it.
I was surprised by the work on the ura too, however, the Nakayama Shouhonyama + Mikawa nagura combination is very fine so I guess there’s no worry about flattening on that side. I use the same Shapton diamond lapping plate that is in the video, and it is surprising how these Lvl 5+ Jnat finishing stones wear with use and need frequent flattening. I found his admonition to keep stones flat an interesting part of the video.
Deburring on a loaded strop is definitely a knife sharpening thing. I don’t think I’ve seen it done on a kamisori before but it makes sense.
Thanks, very interesting! The technique is very different from what I’ve seen from Western honers (even for kamisoris).
It does remind me of Iwasaki though, I think he had a similar deburring-with-paste thing in his classic book, been a while since I’ve seen that linked–well worth checking out if you haven’t: https://naturalwhetstones.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Honing-Razors-and-Nihonkamisori-by-Kousuke-Iwasaki.pdf
I didn’t know that-very cool 👍