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The original was posted on /r/asoneafterinfidelity by /u/Ok_Serve4076 on 2023-10-04 10:38:48.

Any other BS just sit and wonder how this became their life? I just can’t comprehend how quickly I’ve gone from my dream life to it’s all a sham.

Anyway, I’ve got a couple of things on my mind that I’m struggling with.

I’m coming up to 8 weeks post d-day1. Two weeks ago I told WH that it’s over, because he wasn’t interested in putting in the effort and I deserve someone who is.

We agreed he’d spend the working week away (his parents) and come back on weekends to help with the house for selling.

That week he went away and less than 48 hours after leaving me he was back with AP.

He spent two nights with her, then came back a changed man. Admitted to it, says it was a mistake, made him realise he wants to work on us and really try and didn’t want life without me. He agreed to all my conditions and boundaries he previously wouldn’t (which is the reason I ended it).

Now I’m left wondering am I a fool for still being here? Do I give it time to see if he really means it now? He seems completely different. I did say it was over between us so can I hold it against him?

Second issue, his parents knew the affair was going on and I feel a lot of anger towards them, as well as WH. Did anyone else have to deal with building trust with others again and resolving the anger? How did you do it?

I feel like I only have capacity to focus on WH right now, it’s hard enough to fix just our relationship. But then his dad’s birthday is coming up, and Christmas will be here soon enough. I don’t want to see them right now because I’m so angry and hurt but I don’t know how to get past it.

If R works I can’t avoid them forever. The thing is they don’t think they did wrong by hiding it and lying to me which doesn’t help.

Quite a long vent there, hope it all makes sense!