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The original was posted on /r/sysadmin by /u/Scary-Jury1059 on 2023-10-07 11:33:12.

So it looks like the “hack” cost MGM $100 million so far in fixes and lost business.

Considering the “hack” was essentially someone calling up and saying "can you change this password please " ; how do you guys feel about firms being able to essentially price in bad practice & rely on insurance companies?

I would have hoped the insurance firm would turn around and go…nooooope…your lack of processes and bad working practices caused this and refuse to pay out. Actually COST the firm money.

What this teaches firms is…don’t worry about security or training your staff. Don’t worry about having motivated well trained relaxed staff…you can insure yourself out of it.

With the ransomware business due to be worth $10 trillion within a couple of years hopefully insurance firms will find it impossible to pay these things out