The original post: /r/vpn by /u/InsipidGirlfriend on 2024-12-21 20:27:32.
I live in Texas, however, I need to go home to Ohio to help my parents for about 3-4 weeks next year. My manager is a raging micromanaging idiot. The company uses Cisco Duo for us to connect to the network. Of course when I’m at my house and sign in, the location shows as the Texas location. Is it possible for my parents internet connection to show as Wimberley or at least a city surrounding it? If so, would it require anything to be downloaded to the company laptop; hopefully not because all software downloads require IT credentials. I honestly don’t think the company checks/cares, however, I know my manager has gone to IT before to have someone’s location checked during the ice/snow storm back in 2021; the person called out two days for personal reasons so the manager had their last signin location checked under the guise of “making sure they were ok since so many people in the area were without power”.
Before the HR warriors start with their nonsense, there’s no issue with my productivity/being available when needed. I can’t take leave or vacation right now. If it were a simple "ask"for permission, I would definitely go that route but it’s not. I don’t want to lose my job but I really need to be with my family for a few weeks. Thank you!