The original post: /r/homenetworking by /u/Usual-Result-6631 on 2024-12-26 21:39:02.

I do not know if this is the place for the consultation, but I am having a problem with the connection which the service providers cannot solve, although the router gives a signal, both by wifi and via ethernet, I can be connected, the internet many times, for example, running a speedtest on, the connection is nailed to 0, from time to time it reaches a normal speed of 80mbps, but when recharging the page again it remains at 0, the service providers made me run a command, netstat -b, by which they assured me that the problem was malware and they could not take charge, since many connections came out, but from what I understand, this command reveals nothing, I had my computer scanned and both windows defend, and malwarebytes, does not yield any threats. Sorry for the possible bad english, this whole text translated