The original post: /r/homelab by /u/Tomo_SK on 2024-12-26 10:44:16.
Hi, I’m trying to make somewhat shared gaming pc for my family, my first idea was that I’ll use a gaming pc add another gpu and basically share the pc, but each user would get his own gpu (for testing purposes only 2 players for now). My idea was that there would be one user playing on the computer with physically attached monitor and the other one would connect with an RDP session or app such as parsec. I’ve configured concurrent RDP sessions and they currently work fine, but parsec doesn’t like that and doesn’t work. I’ve tried adding a virtual monitor, but parsec still doesn’t like that. Now I would like to be able to play games at the same time with one player using gpu 1 and the other one using gpu 2. Is it possible? I’ve heard that Aster does that kinda, but it’s a subscription and the best solution for me would be free (or cracked if necessary). Any ideas?