• CordanWraith@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    I don’t know. I hate the fact that I was born autistic. Unlike a lot of autistic people, I refuse to think of it as some kind of ‘superpower’ or positive thing.

    I was born defective. I’m literally a broken human who doesn’t function correctly.

    I know that I sure as hell wish I wasn’t born, and whilst I’m sure those mothers are going to do a great job with their children, I also don’t think that I should have children at the risk of passing it down and letting another person suffer the way I have.

    • smegger@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      We think similarly. Autism makes life difficult. I think scanning for defective genes early in pregnancy is worthwhile to avoid life destroying issues.

      Of course autism has a scale of sorts, you can still live somewhat normally, but it sure as hell doesn’t feel beneficial

      • Walk_blesseD@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        1 year ago

        My life is hard, therefore I am okay with eugenics

        Yeah righto, mate. Sucks for you, but maybe we should just make life easier for the disabled instead of preventing us from existing entirely. Just a thought.

        • GreenMario@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          If you were never born then no harm no foul. Nobody is suggesting purging the living.

          • Walk_blesseD@lemmy.blahaj.zone
            1 year ago

            Yeah sure, but when people single out particular demographics as being somehow less deserving of life, people within those demographics who don’t hate their lives tend to get pissy about it for some reason. Go figure.

            • OurTragicUniverse@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              You are so, so privileged in this regard, you know that right?

              It’s like insane the amount of luck you have to be in your position in life where you are autistic and happy and supported and capable of interacting with the world and rich enough to enjoy it.

              It’s wonderful you and the others in this thread like you are so privileged. You are rare and that is special and I’m genuinely very glad you all had a chance to exist.

              But I have to ask: why do you get to override the views and beliefs of those in the autistic community who are not as privileged as you? You don’t speak for us, just as we don’t/can’t for you. We’re not advocating for eugenics or telling anyone how to live their lives. All we’ve done is talk about ethics and not procreated.

              So many of us with autism struggle immensly our whole lives, the world around us is so overwhelming, many of us cannot communicate efficiently or at all, and many of us are isolated, vulnerable to abuse and/or have been abused.
              Why are you so angry with us for sharing with our autistic community that our lives are so difficult that we wouldn’t want to have children who would suffer far worse that we have?

              Maybe you can’t comprehend this? Idk. Maybe you think we’re too autistic and retarded to have our own voice and make decisions about our own bodies?

              This instance on us needing to happily want to add more overwhelmed and suicidal offspring to the already overwhelmed suicidal world around us, is creepy.

              It really is great that you are young and privileged and hopefull enough to want to make the world a better place because you have so much faith for humanity changing and everything, but we’re kinda running out of time for all that now.
              Potential offspring will suffer worse than any of us ever have as climate collapse and resource depletion, and not to mention the global rise in fascism, economic collapse (and potentially ww3) and all happening and escalating in the very real near future.

              But you keep protesting and doing your social activism work though, I hope it works out for you and you succeed in making having autism easier for people like you and all your children, and you all enjoy the few decades we all have left before the food and water run out and the planet becomes to hot and unstable for human life.
              You do you. And let us do our thing please.

              • Walk_blesseD@lemmy.blahaj.zone
                1 year ago

                Yeah, I am very privileged in a lot of ways. I understand that much, and am extremely grateful for it. I also understand that my opinions are at least in part derived from my privileged personal experience. You’re absolutely right in that I cannot speak to the experience of someone who lacks the support I have. I just think that of the billions whose lives are less privileged than my own, many would nevertheless consider their lives to be worth living. I find it tragic when some don’t, but I don’t think that that is necessarily a universally held opinion by the underprivileged.

                I just have to ask: why do you insist on putting questions to me that have false premises? Nowhere in this thread have I said that mine is the universal Autistic^TM view, and yet you ask me why I feel I have the right to override people’s opinions. Hell, I don’t think anyone else in this thread has argued that there is any obligation to procreate. On the contrary, I have seen people people making the universal claim that autistic lives are especially not worth living and making the prescriptive claim that autists should not reproduce. That is a eugenicist argument.

                • OurTragicUniverse@kbin.social
                  1 year ago

                  So you and all the other’s in this thread who have been actively insulting and angry and putting words like ‘eugenics’ in our mouths to shut us down, and calling us stupid, mentally ill, edgelords and psychopaths etc.

                  You don’t think you’ve been overriding our views as members of the autistic community? Or claiming we are wrong and dangerously mentally unsound for holding them? And you haven’t seen anyone advocating for this topic to be banned on social media so we can no longer discuss it?..

                  Your opinion that autistic people with antinatalist views are advocating eugenics, is so full of logical fallacies I felt like a dick writing them all out (I can put them back if you want tho, I’m just trying not to be too offensive here).

                  Most people who hear about antinatalism assume stupid shit and get angry and start with the character insults and accusations of racism and eugenics, and about how antinatalism means wanting to mass murder and segregate society.

                  And most people, like you, refuse to listen when it’s explained.

                  Antinatalists are individuals who have independantly chosen not to procreate for the shared ethical reason of reducing suffering.

                  I doubt most antinatalists are even aware of the term, they’re just people who have looked at the world around them and chosen not to add to it because it’s awful.

                  And yeah, as a person with basic empathy It’s really hard to look at the world and not feel sad when you learn people willingly procreate with debilitating hereditary conditions and are knowingly bringing potential suffering into the world for purely selfish reasons.

                  This is not a world ANYONE should be looking at and wanting to bring more life into, autistic or not.

                  Talking about it being upsetting and unethical isn’t advocating for eugenics.

                  Antinatalists, autistic or otherwise, aren’t forcing anyone to do anything, and talking about our feelings isn’t hurting anyone unless folk like you decide to assume nasty shit about us and be rude.

                  Antinatalists having this conversation somewhere you can see it, are not some eugenist plot to harm people with a sterility causing memetic virus, nor is it some wild attempt at converting the masses into ‘’“genetic purity”" by forcing idiots like you to call us names because you won’t fucking read what we’re even actually saying but you’re convinced we’re evil.

                  I genuinely doubt most antinatalists even really talk about this anywhere but online in antinatalist spaces, and when it comes up on other forums like it has here. It’s not exactly light conversation to have irl when most people react like they have here, or worse.


                  And forgive me if this is a false equivalency but if you believe antinatalism is stupid and we’re all crazy eugenicists for not passing down our suffering, but apparently don’t believe we should instead be popping out kids like bunnies and gurning about how great everything is,
                  what do you want from us instead then?

                  To just not fucking talk about it?

                  (Sorry, I failed at not being offensive. I’m too tired to care much right now though tbh but if it’s any consolation, it’s really not personal, I’m just tired, hate most people, and trying to finish this before i go to bed)

              • emergencyfood@sh.itjust.works
                1 year ago

                It’s like insane the amount of luck you have to be in your position in life where you are autistic and happy and supported and capable of interacting with the world and rich enough to enjoy it.

                Autism is a spectrum, not a binary. It is likely that the vast majority of autistic people lead lives that are, for want of a better word, ‘normal’.

                Of course, it could also be that all people are autistic to some extent.

      • Deestan@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        You can’t check genes to determine whether people will have a fulfilling and interesting life or whether they are some point will wish they weren’t born. You can only make horrifying filtering based on crude guesses, also known as eugenics.

    • indistincthobby@lemmynsfw.com
      1 year ago

      I feel like everyone in this thread are arguing two different things. “My neurodivergence has made my life hell and I wish I never existed in the first place” and “you can live a fullfilling life with neurodivergence” aren’t conflicting concepts to me.

    • Grass@sh.itjust.works
      1 year ago

      Big same, yet when I got old and stopped caring about anything, and started paying more attention to others than my own problems, I started to notice autistic tendencies in almost everyone I have interacted with. Even people that bully or hate on autistic people. The hyperfixation on negative things or on really awful views on people and the world is always strong in those ones, paired with other weird brain shit like complexes coupled with total denial and inability to accept that they are wrong. I’ve been feeling like everyone is autistic and there is just more axes to the spectrum than I had been told in the past. Like rather than a point on a line, it’s a coordinate in a cube. The most central ones are ‘neurotypical’ and it moves outward in all directions in 3d space.

      On a side note neroatypical/nerotypical as a term kinda pisses me off because I swear it’s more typical for people to be neuroatypical than what is considered neurotypical. People just think they are ‘normal’ but they are wrong. And it’s not lesbians or vaccines, if anything its the forever chemicals and microplastics that these evil fucking corpos have been pumping into us and the world and we are only going to see more and more autism, and only the ultra wealthy will be able to call themselves normal while the rest of us will be considered defective.