On behalf on the majority that did not vote for this government, I want to apologize. We are not happy either and will try to do better next time.

Meanwhile enjoy this preview picture of a Fazer chocolate chocolate bar with custom text on it. I can not afford to actually send you one.

  • IsoKiero@sopuli.xyz
    1 year ago

    Our healthcare is in serious problems due to population in general aging and birth rate decline year after a year, but even the most right wing of bigger parties don’t want to shut it down completely. There’s a view that commercial providers would do the same job cheaper and more efficiently, but in history that kind of movement hasn’t really provided an solution. The private companies just take the easy and fast cases and leave the expensive ones for the society to deal with (caricatures again). It’s not (in my opinion) a really viable solution, even if the private sector could help in some cases, like with health care provided by employees, and even then there’s edge cases and gray area which needs regulation and rules.

    Education and long term success of our country is a whole another matter. Currently (in my very own opinion) our education system has major problems and they need to be addressed as soon as possible, but resolving that needs some sort of soft values and cold hard cash. In a current global situation that’s a difficult problem to manage and as a problem it’s one of the easier ones to push into the future, regardless of the reality that it hurts much more in the long run to let the education quality to suffer.

    Stripped to it’s guts and simplified to the max the main problem is that we have too many old people to take care of and too few births to keep up with the demand for the workforce. It’s estimated (by others, there’s also different estimates) that in the next 5-10 years up to 40% of our working people will retire and there’s nowhere near enough people to replace them, specially educated ones. And the people who will replace the retired are young, unexperienced and unfit for the workforce due to social media culture and whatnot.

    There’s no easy answers and the current parliament is built with people who give more weight for the corporations and money than labor rights and socialism (democratic variant of that, not the kind we used to have at east). As I mentioned, I personally would’ve preferred for us to have a bit more left leaning government, since people have suffered a lot with global issues lately and recovering from that will take both time and resources. But at the same time I understand that we can’t just loan more money indefinetly and that corrections are both necessary and painful.

    In the end it’s just a matter of how to balance things. On a left-right axis I personally would like to see a bit more left leaning politics since I still try to believe that people will actually do their best for their society, but the parliament we chose on elections is leaning more on the right. Future will show how that goes, but I don’t think we’ll see anything as extreme as USA seems to have their hands in.