Hello, and welcome to lemmy.srv.eco!

I’m JM, the owner of this instance.

We’re aiming to build a community of communities based around topics such as self-sufficiency, mutual aid, collapse, and other subjects related to the environment and our place and role(s) within it.

At least initially, membership will almost entirely consist of Reddit users looking to migrate to a new platform in the face of undesirable high-level changes on the website, but we’re hoping that over time, this can expand to include others too.

An important point to make is that the intention for this instance is not to be a drop-in replacement for Reddit, but simply to serve as a good starting point for re-establishing online communities coming from there.

Because this is new to us, we will be taking things slowly and making changes gradually. We encourage users to be proactive and get involved with discussions regarding how we move forward. There will be disruptions, disagreements, downtime, etc… please be patient with us as we work together to make this instance the best it can possibly be.

For the time being, community creation will be limited to admins only (meaning users cannot create their own communities without admin approval), and membership sign-ups will have to be approved manually by an admin. This is to slow the potentially large influx of new users and ensure the instance gets established properly. If you’d like to create a community, please make a post in /c/community_requests, following the instructions there to ensure a smooth and efficient process.

If you’re interested in joining us as a member, you can do so here. If you’re a Reddit mod who has discussed the migration of your subreddit with us, please follow the additional instructions in order to get you verified and assigned the necessary moderation privileges.

To get in touch, you can message me on Reddit.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy your stay!

~ JM :)