The solar waterer uses a 5v solar panel, a dfrobot charge controller and a Wemos D1 Mini clone board driving a relay. My proudest achievement is the uptime shown in the last pic. 55 days since last reboot and that was an intentional update of the tasmota firmware. All on solar and a 10500mah battery, no external power.
The three buckets each have different roles (starting from the right): electronics enclosure, water reservoir with a 5v pump, soil. So, no tap or electricity on the balcony. I have to schlep water about once a week, not too bad.
OP here responding to popular demand.
The solar waterer uses a 5v solar panel, a dfrobot charge controller and a Wemos D1 Mini clone board driving a relay. My proudest achievement is the uptime shown in the last pic. 55 days since last reboot and that was an intentional update of the tasmota firmware. All on solar and a 10500mah battery, no external power.
That’s really cool! I feel like you and @RoboGroMo will have a lot of garden automation stuff to talk about.
That uptime is impressive - especially considering that it’s outside! Is it pumping the water or controlling a valve from the tap?
The three buckets each have different roles (starting from the right): electronics enclosure, water reservoir with a 5v pump, soil. So, no tap or electricity on the balcony. I have to schlep water about once a week, not too bad.
And it leaves a possibility open for rainwater collection, etc. Very cool!