420blazeit69 [he/him]

  • 10 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 9th, 2021


  • I consistently see two big pitfalls for people who are sympathetic to leftist ideas but aren’t quite leftists:

    1. They’re soft on U.S. imperialism
    2. They’re inadequately critical of U.S. propaganda about AES states

    Trotskyism seems to lead people directly into both. It’s built around a sort of leftist Lost Cause mythos, where all these revolutions were good at one point but betrayed by those dastardly MLs. This means criticism of MLs that goes far beyond reasonable (Parenti’s line about utopian socialists never having to address the problems inherent in running a state come to mind), which leads into 2, then 1 seems more palatable because opposing these evil ML states is good, actually.

  • The “just under half” includes all ages (I clicked through to the poll from the article):

    Respondents are very divided on Biden’s handling of the war, with just 49% saying they strongly or somewhat approve of the job he is doing in the area. 41% of respondents somewhat or strongly disapprove of Biden’s handling of the war, and 10% are undecided. This is starkly polarized by age: no respondents under 29 say that they strongly approve of Biden’s handling of the war, and 65% strongly disagree with it. Compare this to respondents 50-64 years old, who tend to side with Biden (59% are strongly or somewhat supportive of his actions) while just 7% strongly disapprove of his actions.

  • A utilitarian will (generally) also see a human life as being so valuable that it should only be taken in the most dire of circumstances.

    The first link you dropped in this exchange includes articles like “You Can Put A Dollar Value On Human Life.” I just don’t believe people who assign that sort of value to lives, and whose core philosophy is maximizing value, are strictly opposed to trading others’ lives if the math checks out. Strict utilitarianism is basically “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas.”

    I’m sure lots of utilitarians try to put a nicer gloss on this, but that’s the bones of the philosophy.