• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I went on a summer camping trip that involved driving through miles of desert in middle of no where USA. There was no water, fuel, or anything for at least 500 miles in any direction. Especially no traffic. Our van came upon a car stranded on the side of the road, two twenty something guys desperately trying to flag us down. We were kinda wary because they were acting off, and we were all women But no way could we leave them, that would be a death sentence. So we told them to climb up in the cargo bay, gave them water and told them we’d drop them off at the next town. A couple hours later they sobered up and explained they had gotten lost coming back from a summer road trip, driven until they had run out of gas. Four hours later of 100 plus degree temperatures and no other cars they had gotten overheated from the sun and had made the monumentally dumb decision to drink the tequila they had brought as a souvenir because it was the only liquid in the car. We took them into town, replenished our water and went on our way. I think about how easily they could have never run into anybody out there before it was too late.