• 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Not quite. If you are in so deep that you are worried about color you already past the executive order that defines the layout of the flag as you know it.

    If you notice all the flags in the video has a singular blue area. This one has two. Whether that is valid or not dependa on how you interpret “union of the flag shall be forty-eight stars, white in a blue field”.

    If you think that means the blue area must be contiguous then this flag does not meet the definition. If you think the blue area does not need to be contiguous then this flag may meet the definition.

  • So I had a conversation on this in a different community. I’m going to summarize my conclusion here.

    Sadly the flag code defines the flag as having a singular blue fied.

    I tried to get a good definition of what exactly a field is. Here we have the definition “The backdrop color to a flag. Ex: On the Arkansas state flag, it is the red part.”

    I’m not actually finding a better definition and am starting to question if the canton in the US flag counts as a field in vexillology terms since it isn’t a ‘backdrop’.

    A better way, and perhaps the more accurate, is to ask how we would construct a flag. The red field in the Arkansas flag is one piece of fabric. The blue canton is one piece of fabric. Two blue stripes could be once piece of fabric with everything else sewn into of it. But I think the better construction would be two pieces of fabric sewn on to the outer two stripes.

    But I wouldn’t worry about it since section 5 codifies “existing rules and customs pertaining to the display and use of the flag of the United States” by using an existing executive order. That order’s attachment basically defines the flag as you know it.

    Of course none of this is actually has a mechanism of enforcement so you can fly just about anything and just call it the American flag.

  • I think it’s next to impossible to write a guide on how to transition. It’s so multidimensional and personalized that any guide saying do x, y and z is going to be wrong for someone. But maybe something very, very general can be written.

    You’ve actually been at this longer than me so maybe you have a better idea of what transition is to you but I split mine into three broad categories; mental, social and medical.

    Mental transition is working on how you view yourself and how you fit into the world. For me it mainly involves reflection on what exactly do I want, how do I get it, and why haven’t I. Usually unpacking internalized transphobia for me but also involves integrateing ‘girl me’ me into my view of myself. Slots in with medical transition in that you may want to talk to a therapist to assist you with it and helps you decide if and how you want to medically transition. Fits in with social transition in it is how you decide to transition and overcome inhibitions to transition. Maybe the hardest easy thing to do.

    Social transition is changing how you interact with the people and the world around you. Probably the first thing most people think of when they say transition. Covers a huge range of things like how you groom yourself, clothes, pronouns, voice training and many many more. How, when and why someone does one thing or another is going to be very personal and specific to them.

    Medical transition is basically anything you need a doctor to help you with. I include feminizing HRT here even though you could technically do it by yourself in a lot of jurisdictions. I would also include any mental health consoling here. My advice here is to basically get in line the second you have an inkling that you are going want or need help from the medical community. The wait times for it can be months or years depending on location. If when you get to the front of the line and decide you don’t want anything you can always decline and they’ll go to the next person.

  • Seems someone wasn’t a native English speaker and didn’t know what loli meant.

    "I have so much respect for @[email protected] but i can’t believe how poorly he wrote the update message, lol.

    Here is what’s happening;

    loli/shota are BANNED and not okay in any way.
    IRL kids are BANNED OBVIOUSLY because no shit.
    characters who are petite/young-looking but not obviously underage are ALLOWED because as an instance the votes decided that banning all of it was destructive, and differentiating between them can be impossible.

    The line will continue to be up to the admins discretion, though we always appreciate input. And beyond this, individual communities can decide whether they want to outright ban all flat-chested etc. porn to be safe.

    Any other clarifications necessary, just ask below. Thanks for reading. ~Restful" from https://lemmynsfw.com/post/29826

  • I wouldn’t call it selfish. They want tools for more granular control on their instance. That’s perfectly fine. If they limit who can post or comment based on the instance they are from. The other instances are perfectly free to limit their users as well in response or for their own arbitrary reasons.

    There seems to be a distinct lack of controls across lemmy as a whole. The only option for them is all or nothing at the moment.

    I think the big take away is for users to think about what instance they create their accounts and communities on.

  • It’s not their data. If you scrape Reddit for the comments are reposted them somewhere else Reddit wouldn’t be able to come after you with a copyright violation lawsuit.

    Any potential copyright is still owned by the original user with Reddit having a license to sublicense for “syndication, broadcast, distribution, or publication by other companies, organizations, or individuals who partner with Reddit.”

    They would have to come after you with a ToS contract violation or maybe some kind of Computer Fraud and Misuse allegations.

  • As far as I know that is correct. I personally don’t like because it’s dehumanizing them when we don’t have to.

    If we were in combat and actually needed to shoot at them and needed to dehhumanize them for our own psychological health that would be one thing. But we are all probably safe sitting on the toilet, so we probably shouldn’t need to resort to it.

    I think it also implies guilt of all Russian soldiers. They are deserving of all protections under international law, mainly getting shot at on the battlefield and a dignified confinement when they surrender or are incapacitated, until proven otherwise. And if they did something horrifying enough to be called an orc, they should probably be hanged, after trial, and not even dignified with discussion.