• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • It’s already in the works. We leverage genrative AI via a chat bot in our internal ticketing system for ticket deflection and we’re currently rolling out a similar feature for external customers as well. This goes well beyond simply linking high level FAQs. The bot asks a series of questions based on the issue and goes through the same line of questions our service desk reps ask to help diagnose and resolve the issue. And if they go through the entire T1 process within a minute or so and don’t have an answer, it creates a ticket for the appropriate team based off of whatever platform, app, or website the issue is in regards to.

    It’s crazy scalable and has allowed multiple teams to shift focus towards more project oriented work. Without it we probably would have hired more service desk reps as the company grew

    We still get some internal customers that just mindlessly click through it or slack us directly but that’s the joy of IT.

  • It’s hard to get Americans to care about the death and destruction that occurs at the behest of the American Empire. People like the commenter above see the people of Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, and so on as subhuman cannon fodder. Why should they care about the genocide of those they don’t even see as human. In their eyes, all brown Muslim people and the spectrum of humanity that resides in these countries ravished by our foreign policy, are just simply terrorists. And when younger generations watch these horrors unfold in real time on social media, and advocate for human rights, the knee-jerk reaction of Congress is to ban a social media platform rather than to have any meaningful impact on the situation, as their MIC/corporate/AIPAC donors have dictated.

  • So… no, that’s not even remotely true. The percentage of third party votes would not have helped Hillary win the 2016 election. She ran a terrible campaign and completely ignored the key states: Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. All 3 states, at least at the time, were considered heavily blue states, and she proceeded to lose in all 3. Her campaign lacked a clear, articulated message that spoke to voters to draw out a significant voter turnout, and just underestimated the populism aspect of Trump’s run. He was full of shit and his legacy will be the conservative supreme court justices he left behind, but his campaign promised to revitalize dying blue class industries in the Rust belt which incentivized working class voters in a way that Hillary’s moderate campaign absolutely failed to.

    I don’t think the populism factor will attract new voters for this upcoming election, as both Trump and Biden have their core voter bases established. However, the campaign messaging that gives voters incentive for a better turnout will always be the key factor. The message of “Hey, at least I’m not the other guy” does not work. It didn’t work in 2016. Hillary didn’t even learn from her failed campaign because in the aftermath of her defeat she wrote in her book What Happened, “If just 40,000 people across Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania had changed their minds, I would have won”. That whole mindset is just so out of touch with the political landscape in 2016, and this upcoming election cycle will be no different.

  • For project tools like Trello, a good portion of your userbase is company emails. A malicious actor now has a list of company emails that they can compare against public facing data like Linkedin, imitate a user using a gmail based off their name, sending an email to that company’s IT team asking for an MFA reset sent to the newly created gmail account. Now imagine if that compromised user is a developer with admin access to production environments. These were the conditions for various ransomware attacks.

    An email, username, real name are not much, but it’s a foot in the door.