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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • This is second hand, but still funny as hell.

    So, I modded a sub. Nothing big, less than 500k users. Decided to go hard after the initial blackout protest and set the sub to restricted, and approved anyone willing to throw in a “fuck spez”. I was planning to bring on new mods and get them set up in the last week before the 1st. So, I get the two best candidates in, and let them know that the sub would be crazy, so just hang back and watch.

    Wellll, I did warn them about it, including the part where I said I had mentioned to some offline friends that the sub was a free target. These guys have nothing but time, and zero qualms about posting things to justify being set to nsfw.

    We’re talking herpes infected assholes being posted as portraits of spez, piles of feces done that way, etc.

    Well, one of the new mods didn’t quite understand what I meant and not only removed the posts, but banned one of the guys. Now, this guy had a regular account and a porn account. So, he’s posting from both.

    Now, I undid the ban within minutes. But his main account gets a suspension for ban evasion, and his porn account gets a permanent ban for the same.

    He sends a little “fuck you” message as the appeal, just to walk away with spite. But, despite the fact that his account wasn’t even banned at the time, they denied the appeal.

    It was pretty hilarious to him, and me. I wish he’d screen shotted the messages and posts though.

    For a few days there, the entire group of folks were posting some brutal shit. They all ended up getting “this was removed by mods” bullshit message, but they’d message me and I’d approve the posts anyway. Reddit still removed half of those, and one account got banned for harassment of spez.

    It was the way reddit and their fake accounts acted during all that, that made me change my mind about the sub. It’s set private, and won’t change until they force it back open, because fuck them. The automod is set where almost everything just posts a mini rant about spez.

    The sub is essentially dead now. It’ll never come back the way it was. Which sucks, because it was a fucking great sub. But with reddit being shit now, it’s better off dead than fumbling along as a zombie version of itself

  • Only a double handful of people have ever heard it (and known it was me), but I do a passable kargyra, the deep version of tuvan throat singing. Watched Genghis Blues many years ago and tried to do it. Surprisingly, I got it after maybe ten minutes of trying. I can do the other forms as well, but not quite as reliably.

    It’s strangely satisfying to do. But it’s some I really only do for my own pleasure, so it’s rare for me to do it when other people are around because they get all curious about it, which ends up as an interruption.

    However! I did do a song with a band where I did it on a self written verse. Local band, they do their own records and such. But I did two songs with them, that one where I did the kargyra and the chorus in metal growl, then another with just the growl.

    So, people have heard it, but don’t realize that it’s me. I’m credited as “background vocals” (under my real name, so I can’t/don’t disclose the band lol). They’ve sold maybe a thousand discs and downloads of that album total.

    They usually play my part as a recorded track at shows (the one with the kargyra is a highly requested track among their tiny fan base), but they did a local show a little while ago and my buddy that fronts the band called in a favor I owed him to get me to do both at the show. So I got all dressed up in black, braided my beard, did corpse paint, and wore a fucking cowl and did it!

    I hate crowds. PTSD and such. But it was almost fun okay, the performing was fun, but I was kinda shaking by the end of the night from too many people. I dunno if anyone was fooled (im kinda distinctive looking overall), but nobody has said anything if they weren’t.

  • Nope, a “moon” was a single cycle of the moon through its phases, which is closest to a month out of the units we use currently.

    While you can ignore that and use the word however you want, and it’s definitely possible that people have done so as a form of word play to indicate shorter units of time, it does have a usage that’s been around for a least a couple hundred years in English, and way longer in other languages.

    The word month comes from moon, and in other languages, the words for month are usually also derived from their words for moon.

    In English, the way the word evolved, a it was the period of time from one “new” moon to the next.

    Many moons, as a phrase, came from a native American term that was used to express “a long, but undetermined time ago”. It isn’t exclusive to any specific peoples, nor only to native Americans, but the English idiom version came from a translation from a native speaker

    Trade is, however, a similar term for “a long time” that’s used almost exclusively an an exaggeration, “a month of Sundays”. In a literal sense, that would mean approximately 30 Sundays, obviously, which isn’t even a full year, but it’s almost always used to express a much longer, but unspecified, time frame.

  • Overall, probably strawberry rhubarb, despite the fact that I’m otherwise not a big strawberry fan.

    However, I make lemon meringue pie from scratch every now and then, and my lemon meringue pie is my favorite pie of all. I’ve gotten my crust recipe dialed in, and I’ve gotten my curd making tuned for exactly the right consistency. After I got mine down, I don’t like other people’s as much as I used to.

    But key lime pie? It isn’t my favorite, but damn is it good :)

  • Oh yeah, while I won’t do subscriptions as a matter of principal, if mr Dawson wants to issue a new version every time there’s a significant code rework, I’d pay every time with a smile on my face. I do it with paprika (the best recipe manager out there) on all the platforms. I’m kinda expecting a new version in the next year or two from them, tbh.

    I much prefer that model of monetization. Buy the software, you own it and can use it as long as there’s hardware and OS that can run it. Want the next version? It’s just like buying a different program. It worked very well for decades. Shit, I could (if there were a point beyond having fun) crank things up and run word 98, I still have the discs lol.

    And I still use the old paprika on my oldest tablet, as well as the newer version on newer devices. Which, it’s cool as hell my old nook is still running.

    I’d do the same with sync. I want to buy it again. Sync for lemmy is not the same software, even if it’s heavily based in the old code. I want developers to be able to make a damn living so that we can have great apps. I just hate software as a service in principle. Like, the fancy extras that Apollo and sync did with premium is a different thing entirely! I’m talking about paying every month just to use an app when I object to subscriptions

    Hell, Mr Dawson could charge way more than the pro version of sync was, and I’ll pony up for damn sure. I dunno if anyone here ever had reason to talk to him on reddit, but he’s such a good dude. Devs like that are bloody rare, and need to be cherished.