AutomatedPossum [she/her]

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2024


  • It’s the same as with drone murders, we’ve seen a constant march towards more and more all-out barbarism over the last two decades and it’s carried by an unquestionable bipartisan consensus. Exterminatory anti-immigration policy is now shaping up to develop in the same way, both in the US and the EU. Liberal policymakers know what kind of migration climate change will inevitably lead to in the next decades, and because they also know they won’t do anything about the climate, that means they have completely fallen in line with the fascists on causing mass death at the borders.

  • I actually know a trans theologist and she can talk for hours about both biblical and apocryphal sources for why it’s every good Christian’s duty to abolish the gender binary. Found that a lot more convincing than this papal nonsense, too.

    How does this pathetic old man come up with the idea i was created with the wrong gender to begin with? There’s nothing wrong about being trans. I’m fine the way i am, transitioning is a central part of my being, it can teach people a lot about the human condition, how we relate to ourselves as gendered beings, how seeing beyond such boundaries can be deeply liberating, but also how performing gender can be a source of joy and creativity and bring a bit more light into this world. There’s beauty and grace in my existence, and the temporary discomfort that comes with it can easily be seen as my cross to bear from a Christian perspective, as suffering i’m virtuously enduring on my way to salvation. It’s not very hard to see why God would have created me this way at all. In fact, it’s much more of a stretch to deny me God’s grace, even when one is short-sighted, one might say: transmedicalist, enough to see my gender as flawed - it was news to me that Catholicism now casts out people who were born in ways that society considers flawed, that’s ableist as fuck, are we doing eugenics now, Francis? Your church wasn’t even down for that when it literally supported Adolf fucking Hitler or upheld the institution of slavery, Christianity was always about healing people, Jesus was always there for the sick and lame, why doesn’t that extend to gender incongruence? Spoiler: Because misogyny.

    When both men and women are created in God’s image, what does that tell us about God’s gender anyway? Or is Francis actually saying that only men are created in God’s image, because honestly, this nonsense isn’t even internally consistent unless you say “there’s only one correct gender and it’s cis man, there’s something inherently wrong about being anything else, something inherently evil about womanhood, so by extension there must be something inherently wrong about transness, as that automatically puts you outside male supremacy in some way, either by AGAB or by gender identity.” Which is what he actually believes, but he can’t say that part out loud because women make up half of his followers and a lot of them are fed up with being treated as second class human beings by the Vatican. So he needs to paper over these inconsistencies, pretend that at least cis women are accepted by him when they obviously aren’t, and to pull that off, he needs to cast out those that traverse the lines between genders, those that demonstrate by their very existence that gender isn’t that meaningful of a distinction, and by doing that he automatically denies the universality of human dignity and the promise that we will all be one in Christ.

  • The incidence of islamophobic hate crimes in Germany has doubled since October, Germany’s anti-BDS resolution and attacks on postcolonial studies are carbon copies of AfD proposals, accusations of antisemitism are used to silence Jewish people criticizing Israel and these chauvinist dinguses are opening up with nods to racial stereotypes about Arab communities in Berlin and lines directly attacking anti-racists. Literally not a single bar in that track was written in good faith.

  • I am reminded of how the KPD getting its leaders murdered by Freikorps thugs during the Spartacist uprising

    These Freikorps thugs were sent by the SPD. It’s in the interest of both liberals and conservatives to fight leftists, both liberalism and conservatism are rightwing, capitalist, imperialist and deeply chauvinist ideologies, one is just more focussed on hegemonial control and the other more on open violence. You cannot fight for queer liberation, or the rights of any other marginalized group such as America’s black community, immigrants or indigenous peoples, with Bidenite Democrats, the last 4 years with its constant onslaught of anti-queer and especially anti-trans legislation (and also the uninterrupted continuation of an ever brutalizing border regime and the steady increase of police militarization) have proven this. The only Democrat opposition to trans genocide we’ve seen in that timeframe has been on the state level, by individual actors, the Democrats as a federal-level institution are downright scared of being too openly supportive of trans rights, Clinton as a prototypical member of the DNC establishment has more or less stated that she views our rights as a fringe issue that poses a political liability and Biden has only started voicing support for trans people when election season went into full swing.

    I’m not telling Americans not to vote for Biden in November, i honestly may do so if i was Amerikan, but i’d probably do so by mail-in ballot from abroad because if i would live in Amerika, my top priority would be to get the fuck out. These are the reasonable options for US trans people, either leaving the country or work on community organizing and prepare for mass civil unrest, because mass civil unrest is the only thing that will stop the clericofascist mob. Biden won’t do that, or he would have put more effort into clamping down on a movement that tried a coup and wanted to murder leading members of his party when he got into office. He’s too comfortable with fascism to actually stop it, and he doesn’t even meaningfully stall it.

    So yes, i’m worried about the trans-exterminationist agenda of the US far right, it’s a main political concern of mine because it directly affects my life even here in Europe that Reaganite nazi orgs like the Heritage Foundation are actively financing and supporting anti-trans activism here. But none of this has gotten better under Biden, and he will not change that, because he needs a continued threat to marginalized people to browbeat them into voting for him. Democrats are not allies. All they have to offer is a false sense of safety, the illusion that you can vote yourself out of the existential threat that Republicans already pose. You can’t. You can try stalling for four more years, sure, but has that stalling actually worked in the last 4? And even if Biden wins the election, will he be able to govern afterwards or will there be another coup attempt that may work better this time?

    When you focus on electoralism as the core strategy, you’re playing the wrong game. There is no safe option to vote for trans rights in the US. The American left needs to prepare for worst case scenarios instead of putting its hopes in an eroding system that never was designed to serve their interests in the first place. There needs to be real thought put into all possible outcomes, what to do under another Biden term, what to do when Trump gets elected and what to do when he steals the election, and all of these scenarios are dire for trans people and require strategies that lie outside electoral politics.

  • if Israel disappears tomorrow

    How? I know that’s not what your argument hinges on, but let’s get one thing out of the way: Israel has nukes and a solid second strike capability, is is the only nuclear power in the region as well, it has kept armed resistance to the occupation under ever tightening control since before an actual Zionist settler state existed on the territory, it has continuously expanded its territory and keeps doing so, it isn’t going anywhere. Yes, it is also a US client state that needs Amerikan bomb shipments to continue the systematic displacement of 2 million people that is needed for their new waterfront properties, but even if the US and other Western states would cease all support tomorrow, Israel’s existence in itself isn’t threatened in any way. This is important to point out, given how commonly a reasoning like “you’re an antisemite when you deny Israel’s right to exist!” is used as a thought-terminating cliché in my country. Sorry for being contrarian here, just felt i needed to get into this before i answer you question.

    Losing Israel as an ally nowadays mostly means that it is free to ally with other world powers, who would gain an additional foothold in the Levante and possible mediterranean naval bases. If, for example, Russia could further improve its historically good relations towards Israel, which would be a realistic scenario if the US would cease support, it would mean Russia has a contingency to their only meditarranean naval base in Syria. It would also make the situation in the Middle East even less predictable than it is now, Israel and Iran being allied with the same superpower would be quite the bummer for Saudi-Arabia and Turkey. So i agree that Israel does not have a unique strategic purpose, but it has some strategic purpose for US imperialism.

  • It’s not just that, it’s a deliberate attempt at both dehumanizing trans people and not acknowledging our existence. They avoid entirely to use any term like “trans woman” or “trans person” that refers to an actual human being targeted by them, it’s always an impersonal, abstract “gender ideology” or “trans agenda” at play. The fact that their policies directly threaten the lifes and dignity of actual human beings must be tuned out at all costs, because not doing so would mean admitting that we are out here and exist. If they absolutely can’t avoid referring to one of us and can’t use slurs or misgendering because they need to keep the mask on, they will stick exclusively to wordings like “trans rights activist” even when that person has done zero praxis besides coming out as trans and just living their life.