Awoo [she/her]


If you need me try matrix but be patient as I don’t check it daily.

  • 42 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • It’s a very real problem. Hooliganish is one way to put it, what I tend to describe it as however is less football and more pub-reactionary. I feel it is connected to british drinking culture, which is unique among all the cultures of europe as we have huge binge drinking issues here. The problem is that these people imagine a specific kind of person as “working class”, they are a caricature though, created from the experiences of what a “hard” bloke seems like after a long night of binge drinking and getting turfed out into the streets, where shit always hits the fan between the drinking, those looking for fights, and the cops that always make things worse.

    This experience shapes what these men imagine as the working class man of britain. But it’s just a caricature, a minority of dickheadish after pub/nightclub behaviour. This caricature though is something a lot of these boys and man-boys want to be though, they see it as “hard”, they like it.

    It has its uses I will say. This type of person is significantly more likely to be up for a scrap, or up to doing a bit of crime. But it comes with the baggage of social/cultural behaviours perceived to be attached to being this “hard” man.

    If this image were to change, if being pro-lgbt were to become attached to this image of the drunk man after pubs/nightclubs, then their caricature would change with it. They are pandering to this image and they would continue to pander to this image if it were to shift form a bit.

  • It’s so incredibly divisive it’s ridiculous. They call trans people and capitalist pushing the trans on people the “divisive” ones but the reality is that these people are drawing this line, not the rest of the left.

    It’s fucking ridiculous. If we can blast through this issue somehow we will have something incredibly powerful going but I don’t know how. It’s so hard headed. These are intelligent fucking people on every single other fucking thing but they are letting prejudices and heebie jeebies get the better of them on this one.

    One thing I do have to say about it is that all the men that I meet that have this problem all feel like they’re men that have something to prove about masculinity, they are men that want to be MEN, the women on the other hand barely exist. There is a serious sexism issue going on.

  • It’s both. We are in a perpetual state of struggle where everything is in motion. The struggle itself creates the movement and the struggle itself creates the leader of the movement.

    What is taking place is a consistent rolling through of different ideas and tactics that fail and become checked off in the “this tactic has failed” list of people’s minds. Once that has occurred they move onto the next. “Why did that idea fail? Because we had a weak leader? Ok lets get a strong leader.”

    The next stage is determining why the strong leader fails. And what needs to be different in order for it to succeed. I can already pre-empt that: The strong leader fails because the left is divided. The general left will not collaborate with Galloway and his ilk because of his social conservatism. Corbyn has outright refused to work with him. The failure here is the division of the left, this has to be resolved but through what means? Through the collapse of the socially progressive left or the collapse of the socially conservative left. What answer people come to when asking themselves these questions will determine what tactic they pursue after him.

  • It’s a shame that Galloway has his socially conservative views, because he’s exactly the kind of brash personality that I and many others have been wanting for so long.

    I really fucking vibe with this. If Galloway would drop his fucking reactionary shtick he would get the whole left to rally behind him and build a new thing.

    I don’t fucking understand why we can’t have the best of both worlds, a hard leader that also encompasses the full breadth of the liberatory left. I don’t know why the choice is repeatedly either a soft leader who is correct or a hard leader who comes with reactionary bullshit baggage.

    I think a lot of British leftists have had their brains completely melted by fighting for so long. The “radicals” are institutionalised in a way that fails to present any threat to the system.

  • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.nettogames@hexbear.netToo stinky
    6 months ago

    The few times I went to a card shop for magic events, the venue started smelling half-way through. Some of these were even casual af events.

    The problem with a lot of these things is that the venues are unsuitable for them.

    If you put a lot of bodies in a room without ventilation and aircon for any length of time people heat up the space and smells start to get bad. Throw into that some of these people are stressed about their matches too.

    Yes some people have bad hygiene but if you put 20 dudes in a card shop without aircon and ventilation it is ALWAYS going to smell.

    Smash tournaments have essentially the same problem but it’s worse because playing is actually strenuous.

  • Liberals do this shit over and over and over again.

    I was just saying to someone the other day that the “Putin’s war” and “Putin’s bombs” bullshit that some so-called “russian leftists” are spewing is the language of regime-change. They don’t want to change capitalism, they just want to change Putin. I told my friend that they should absolutely not trust these “leftists” because their language is sus.

    If you wanted to change the system, it would be “capitalism’s war” and “capitalism’s bombs”, because you know damn fucking well that it would still be happening under a different leader within this system.

    The entire purpose of blaming the issue on the leader is to divert attention from the systemic problems it so that people think “oh everything is alright now” as soon as the leader is swapped out. Complete and utter bullshit.