Quak, Quak, quuaakk

  • 4 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 23rd, 2023

  • He explains that there are some guidelines on online stores like steam and EVs that they cannot just talk about that requires them to do it now, even though they feel the price point is better represented by the final release. So they wished they could do it then, but this is an issue.

    The team has had a split dev track the past 2 years, where one part developed the 1.0 stuff that will be added and was kept secret, while the second team did the early access part.

    After the last major release they found that they now needed to merge the 2 branches and stop EA updates to work towards final release.

    So there areany changes coming to what we saw in EA and there is also new content coming that we so far only saw parts of (like the summer sloop and mercer spheres).

    These guys are like the gold standard for keeping their fans in the loop and explaining their dev proces. The hate is unwarranted. They even put the game on sale at the old price point and gave everyone fair warning. I think 40 euros is a good and fair price for the final game if you want to wait.

  • Die snap ik niet. Zwart werk is per definitie cash toch? Dus het lijkt door de verlaagde limiet tov de 10K een poging om ook zwart werk en dergelijke aan te pakken.

    Ben benieuwd hoe ze meerdere transacties voor hetzelfde gaan oplossen. Anders krijg je straks een aanbetaling van 2k, een gereedmaak betaling van 2k, een ophaal betaling van 2k en een nabetaling van 2k bij de autodealers ofzo. Of automatten van 2k sold separately.

    En ja autodealers is een bewuste keus. Je gaat me niet vertellen dat al die grote huizen op de meest achterlijke plekken, met een hek eromheen en 20 (dure) autos voor de verkoop allemaal bestaansrecht hebben.

  • Sure pointing to Russian incompetence is easy. I would like to see how NATO ships fare in a training exercise against a pack of 10 Magura V’s. I’ll bet they will find it is much harder than they thought.

    These things are so low in the water they dissapears between the waves for radar and other tracking systems, they can move slow to get close and be within the outer defense layers before they are spotted. And now they even come with deployable mines, grad missiles or even anti air missiles.

  • Yes, very much so. The reason I think there might be add ons is due to the nature of the threat.

    Very angry, low visible, high speed, armored, unmanned surface vehicles that hunt in packs.

    • The Rim116 might not be usable because by the time you see them you might not want to / can not use a missile anymore.
    • The gun based ciws (midas/goalkeeper/phalanx et al.) might not have enough penetration. They are built for engaging unarmored targets.

    We can make fun of the Russian expansion of their submarine fleet in de black sea all we want… but if these maguras where an easy threat to deal with they would. No reason to think any NATO surface combatant would do any better when suddenly confronted with a similar threat.