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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2024


  • There is approximately 15.77B acres of livable land and there are 8.2B people so if each person had just 1/4 acre that would be 13% vs if you gave each person 2000 sqft it would only be 2%. Then you need to factor in how to built transit for low density and how many more stores you need due to the lower density and you can see that it would be much better for the environment if we had higher density

  • U.S. healthcare on average is around 2-3x as expensive as countries with socialized healthcare, so if we didn’t have insurance jacking up our prices but also didn’t have insurance for a safety net we can pretend it’s 1/2 to 1/3 the cost of what our procedures cost. A broken bone would still be around $10,000 and if 1/3 of Americans would have to take out a loan for $1000 I’m willing to wager a $10,000 bill would wreck the average person. Other not fun fact is the average American is expected to break 2 bones in their life. The way health insurance works in the U.S. is atrocious but it’s not like if we just got rid of it overnight everyone’s life would be better