CarbonScored [any]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • the number one freedom that you and I have is the freedom to enter into a subservient role in the workplace. Once you exercise this freedom you’ve lost all control over what you do, what is produced, and how it is produced. And in the end, the product doesn’t belong to you. The only way you can avoid bosses and jobs is if you don’t care about making a living. Which leads to the second freedom: the freedom to starve.


  • Don’t forget how Zelensky entirely 180’d from the peace platform he was elected on. And was in the Panama papers. Or how any leftist opposition parties (or any parties that seek to give eastern Ukraine representation) in Ukraine are banned and officially repressed. Or the many other political reforms to concentrate political power. Or how they signed both Minsk agreements and openly ignored them.

    The governments of Ukraine and Russia are both bad, but strengthening NATO (even if just in reputation) will have serious repercussions, and the aim of “prolonging the war” will result in nothing but needless civilian deaths and the further strengthening of the extreme-right in Ukraine.

  • Software bloat is real.

    A modern web page (with no hi-res images) can take >1GB RAM, when '90s web browsers typically took <1MB. Modern Adobe PDF reader takes >200MB, when some of the longest video games I’ve loved are <=10MB. Heck even a modern indie-made game with tons of gameplay is still sometimes <200MB.

    The cause really is just shitty code and corner-cutting. Optimizing anything is rarely regarded as worth it nowadays, even if a small amount of work leads to 10x performance gains.

  • What annoys me is not libs disliking us, or disagreeing with us about who the true LEFTIST is, or crying because they got banned.

    It’s just the sheer, utter disinformation where it’s objectively demonstrable that they just make up shit about us and then all believe it. Still in .world, despite being corrected many times, the majority of users will say Hexbears did mass downvoting, when that’s literally impossible.

    They’ll say we love Putin, and Trump. And that we’re all fascists - even if you believed dumbdumb horseshoe theory, a fair portion of us aren’t even close to authoritarian. That we’re largely Chinese shills and bots. That we deliberately organise RAIDS on other instances and aren’t just a big community group who like to share our personal experiences on other threads and we like to come to each other’s aid. That we’re a place of HATE when this place, of all sizeable internet communities, has one of the biggest cultures of love and mutual aid I’ve ever seen.

    I get the political disagreements. I get the disagreement on conversational tone. What I don’t get is the sheer determination to not even understand us in the slightest way, to take the most random bullshit, even when it is factually impossible, and take it at face value; all just so they don’t have to acknowledge us as real people. That’s what upsets me. kitty-birthday-sad

    Now I made myself sad >:( I love y’all comrades meow-hug

  • It’s not that I think Russia is a free and fair democracy, it’s clearly filled with corruption like all liberal democracies. it’s just the misinformation about why and the utter hypocrisy and -100 self-awareness on criticising it.

    • Navalny was never that popular, nore were any of the opposition members who were “banned” (for allegedly forging signatures). Nobody contests this, just western media like to act as if he mattered at all, and will never dare admit that the real opposition to Putin is commies (even if name only).
    • Russia has not banned any of the actually major opposition parties, while Ukraine actually has explicitly banned almost all opposition.
    • Acting like it’s not common practice in all western democracies to deny people from being listed on ballots due to bureaucratic technicalities. They all do it.
    • Putin’s vote share does actually line up with widely accepted polls of his popularity. Russia is a country at war with a 1/6th of the world, the West, so it’s little surprise to have an especially high rate now.

    My constant reaction to libs arguing Putin is Hitler is “Sure whatever, now admit the state of democracy in your western country is about the same or worse and how that is the problem, Putin isn’t special.”