• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • This is unfortunate. I’m pretty split so I guess just consider this a non-vote. Now that I’ve typed all this out I’m leaning towards keeping the rules as-is, so that’s my vote.

    On the one hand, I don’t interact with/consume any ‘loli’ or related content here; plus there doesn’t seem to be any on this instance directly anyway, so no existing communities or users would need to be removed. But I interact mostly with communities on instances that have now defederated or likely will because of it being allowed. So practically speaking, I don’t really get anything from the loli rule, and my usage is heavily disrupted by the effects it has on federation.

    On the other hand, changing the rules here because of other instances’ rules really just doesn’t sit well. I joined this instance because well-administered online spaces with positive vibes that are reasonably accepting of varied minority interests and views are as pleasant as they are rare; it would be a shame for one of the few loli-friendly instances to be pushed into conforming to the average, snuffing out one more spark of individualism and bringing the fediverse one step closer to homogeneity.

    I’m disappointed in the defederations, but I can’t really blame the admins considering how Lemmy functions; Lemmy is where the fault really lies, the way I see it. The lack of hard boundary between local communities and remote communities in hosting content, plus the lack of any way to make a community or instance invisible by default means remote content has little practical difference from local for typical usage (aside from the UX issues it brings). It makes sense that instances would only want to federate with other instances with similar rules considering that.

    I love the idea of Lemmy - there’s a reason it’s the first social platform I’ve used in years - but as time goes on, the ripple effects of its quirks and missing features are pushing it into ‘not worth the frustration’ territory for me considering what I want from it: decoupled platform and user, where with one account I can interact with communities with all sorts of rules and values (which I’m happy to abide by of course) without having to fully agree with them myself. That’s not really how it’s shaping up. Whatever happens wrt the proposed rule change, going forward I think I’ll be limiting my interactions on the Lemmyverse to communities on this instance and a select few on friendly instances.

  • Great movie! As long as I can remember my family’s had it on VHS (then DVD), I must have seen it dozens of times over the years. Obviously I think it holds up lol but nice to hear it actually does.

    Yes Man is my other favorite Jim Carrey movie, probably in part because he plays it somewhat serious too (though not as serious as Truman Show). It got middling reviews but I enjoyed it quite a bit - the comedy is a little more subtle than what you expect when you hear the premise and lead actor, but it works, and the romance elements are nice in it too. No masterpiece but worth a watch if you’re in the mood for something light and fun.

  • I hate this so much. People should be free to act like they want (as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone), because why the hell not? What’s so objectively better about acting in the ‘normal’ way? But everything outside the very narrow idea of normal is treated like a problem by default.

    I have some tics that come out when I’m alone that I’ve filtered out around others as long as I can remember, and honestly I think that’s part of why I feel so claustrophobic in social situations. I don’t even know how to act like ‘myself’ in public if I want to.

    Seeing people being themselves regardless of how it looks to the current typical sensibilities is the only thing that lets me feel like I might be able to do the same. So fwiw, every little bit of rule breaking you have done or will do makes the world a little better for me, and anyone else who doesn’t feel welcome. Thanks.

  • Wow, that sounds like the worst GoT viewing experience possible lol. I think I can see what you mean; there are definitely a lot of scenes technically unnecessary to move the plot along, and combined with the number of plotlines it makes the story move glacially (not helped by plotline conclusions not necessarily making the impacts you would expect on the story).

    I think that’s actually a big part of what makes it stand out, though. It gives the world- and character-building a uniquely organic feel that wouldn’t be there if the story was the focus, with lots of incidental moments that don’t necessarily need any weight. The enjoyment comes more from learning and immersion than anything.

    Admittedly I’m all about characters and atmosphere, as long as those are solid I can enjoy something regardless of whatever else it does or doesn’t have going. Watching with full spoilers I got basically nothing from any progression in the show; though in a way I think it actually made me appreciate the moment-to-moment of it more when I had zero expectations for the destinations and could just enjoy the progression.

    Now that I think about it seeing the last few seasons first might be the right way to watch it lol, if someone’s still interested after knowing nothing concludes satisfactorily then it’s for them.

  • Funny, my first experience with the show was similar to yours - watched the first season or so and wasn’t into it, then started watching again in season ~five with someone else - but I actually started to really enjoy it from there. Granted it only took like a season for it to really go downhill, but it got me interested enough to watch from the beginning once it was over. Despite the knowledge of the terrible conclusion the first few seasons ended up being some of my favorite TV.