It’s always projection with these people so you may be on to something here.
It’s always projection with these people so you may be on to something here.
I wonder how many dicks that guy saw that day.
I just hope they don’t bite off more than they can chew.
Hmm. I wonder why I never learned about that one in school when we did Greek mythology.
Exactly. Just because there was an exception once doesn’t mean the rule is invalid.
No. Do tell.
I totally could have told you that too. Am I an expert now?
Will there be a livestream?
I guess JD Couchfucker would take over. So, yeah, pretty close to uncontested. Even the crazies don’t like him.
That’s the thing. Once you get rich, you’ll just see that guy as a nuisance and get rid of him. Source: all of human history.
I don’t think safety consciousness is the problem here. More like having its funding tied to pork barrel politics. Just look at the SLS. There is no rational reason for this program to even exist. The only reason they can’t shut it down are politicians who can sell it to their constituents that NASA spends the money in their region on manufacturing it.
Mein ursprünglicher Kommentar bezog sich darauf, das einige von den Oberschlaubergern hier gemeint haben, die ganze Technologie sei überflüssig, will es ja schon Hubschrauber gäbe. Das ist nun wirklich eine sehr ignorante Aussage. Jetzt ist aber endgültig Schluss. Ich bin raus.
Such a scandal! He must step down now! There can be no compromise on ethics for Democratic candidates!
If we wait for NASA to get their act together, it’ll be another fifty years, before we get back to the moon. And it’s all been private contractors all the time anyway. NASA doesn’t build any of this stuff themselves. For all three obvious craziness of Elon Musk, SpaceX has provided the best value for money to NASA of all their contractors by a mile.
Vieles von den negativen hier ist halt nicht gerade von Sachkenntnis geprägt. Das ärgert mich etwas. Aber gut, ist eh sinnlos.
Wo habe ich das gesagt?
True ich nicht. Das hat ja jetzt gar nichts mit irgendwas zu tun. Ich versuche eigentlich, hier eine vernünftige Diskussion zu führen. Fühle mich da aber gerade allein.
Yeah, Reuters, I mean, who’s ever heard of them?
Great way to regress in societal development.
I was one of those. And never knew much about Harris before so I was doubly apprehensive. But she really is a solid choice and what the world needs right now, namely someone who can beat Trump. And maybe, just maybe she might be a tiny slither more progressive than Uncle Joe too, but now I’m probably dreaming. I’ll settle for not getting the fascist again, though.