• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • bad hygiene (for olodumarè’s sake, bathe daily, and if possible brush your teeth at least twice a day).

    I know this is popular in this thread, but how to achieve that? I shower 0-3 a day, with 0 being in days waiting for the washing machine for I have showered too much, and have no clothes remaining.

    It seems no matter what I do, someone thinks I accidentally opened a shower on myself by how sweaty wet my underwear is, then proceeds to tell me I smell awful and banishes me from society back to my computer, which is what I would be doing anyway, also that person is the only one that complains and they (singular) can’t handle heat at all.

    I just checked and the temperature goes up to 42*, I don’t know how hot that is, since I never look at weather, if it’s hot I bear with it, if it’s cold I get sick for 3 days bear with it.

    Also I only wear winter-y jackets for some reason (A joke that went too far that’s been lasting for 3 years?), people underestimate how good they are at shading, and they come with a built-in hat, and protect your body better than any T-shirt ever could.

    Wait did I just answer my own question?

  • It’s hard to answer your request because, you see, your statement is like saying: “Everything is just atoms, so everything is basically the same”, it is “reductionist” of higher values, which even atheists have, but the statement itself cannot be denied, nor replaced with an alternative.

    Edit: I read your other replies, and you seem to not need this one, to ignore it.

  • Doods@infosec.pubOPtoBevy@programming.devOpenGL 1.5 support?
    2 months ago

    Google says you have a Core i7-620M,

    No, I have an I5, it even has a sticker, but my I5-7500 desktop has an I7 sticker, so stickers aren’t reliable. (I have better evidence than the sticker, trust me)

    that’s a Westmere, first-generation Intel HD Graphics, provided everything is configured correctly you should have OpenGL 2.1.

    I rechecked 1-2 days after making the post, and Mesa reported 2.1 & 2.0 ES, which is consistent with techpowerup, that website never failed me even when I failed myself.

    …and, no, you probably really, really don’t want to use OpenGL 1.x. If your implementation supports shaders at all then it’s going to be some vendor-specific non-standard thing. If you want to do anything 3D then 2.0 or 2.1 is the bare reasonable minimum (2.1 gets you PBOs).

    I think shaders are a 3D-only thing? which shouldn’t be useful for an isometric game. My favorite game runs on DirectX 3.0a, so I 1.x should work, I guess?

    Also I will look up PBOs, that acronym looks cool!

    If you’re doing 2D well I don’t think it would be wrong for bevy to have a 2.5D engine that…tightly-timed assembly at that, once upon a time it was considered impossible to get smooth side-scrolling on VGA cards – until Carmack came along…

    about 1-1.5 weeks ago I watched some Johnathan Blow hating on programming paradigms and game engines, and to be honest, I had already been viewing pre-built engines as things that produce games that are… familiar… they lack souls, integer/buffer_overflows, and their physics are too well-made. I understand the benefits of a prebuilt 3D engine; I played a 3D game on DOSBox and saved before every jump - except the ones that got me stuck in a wall, in addition to an indie 3D C++ mess on Itch (it’s the only game I am excited for its release at the moment, as it’s still in beta).

    I also saw an attempt at using SDL as a Bevy renderer-backend on Github, and there were problems according to the README.md, but I had lost interest by then, because…

    After watching much JBlow, I came away with 3 things:

    1- OpenGL isn’t worth learning anymore, but don’t use SDL to abstract yourself from it, use raylib. That’s his opinion, so I decided to build my engine on Macroquad, a raylib-like thing, as using rust-bindgen feels un-ergonomic.

    2- ECSes and other pre-forced paradigms are meaningless, just write the game.

    3- He doesn’t like Rust, which I ignored.

    You might think Rust is a bad choice if I like overflowing things, as Rust is safe, but before you is something I wrote semi-seriously (I say “semi-” so I don’t get laughed at) a day or two ago:

    let mut key = Key::new(500.0, 500.0, 50.0, PINK, unsafe {
            let x = &entities[9] as *const Box<dyn Entity> as *mut Box<dyn Entity>;
            // SAFETY: This is straight up undefined behaviour, I have a solution
            // that is better, simpler and safe, which is seperating the entity list
            // and `GameContext`, but I wanted this to exist in the git history.
            // And before I sleep and forget, the way is passing `&mut door` to
            // `update()` manually, and passing `entities` to `walk`.
            // A `RefCell` wouldn't have complained at runtime anyway.
            &mut *x

    As you can see, using anything remotely similar to Arc<Mutex<T>> would get me accused of having skill issues, which is extremely bad considering I am one of those ‘I use NeoVim/Colmack-DH/Rust/Linux BTW’ people, so I prefer extreme measures, AKA just regular-C-code style of writing, so it won’t be long before I meet some REAL undefined behavior.

    If you’re interested in my little project, it’s about a yellow square in rooms of yellow walls, which I planned to write in 3 days, which I finished today, a few hours after Fajr prayer, one week after I set the deadline to 3 days.

    Time to add a 3D turn-based combat system to it for reason, I first need a flat yellow cube, and some doom-like fake-3D enemies.

    In case you’re into the arcane craft of the elders, here’s a book.

    Thanks, I wish to write assembly sometime down the road, and discover these treasures of knowledge.

    Edit: in case you’re wondering how I solved the code problem, I started thinking and realized that I wanted to pass a &mut T to Key.Update(), but I was also holding a &T inside of GameContext, which is impossible in safe Rust, so I changed it hold a &mut T instead.

    They say: “Make it work, then make it right, then make it fast”, but maybe they didn’t mean jumping to unsafe when they said “work”.

    Edit2: I forgot to say something about prebuilt engines. In addition to creating an inconsistency between quality of the engine (physics and UI interactions), and the quality of the game-specific code, they are also very bloated and that’s reflected in binary sizes and the performance penalty of being a general-purpose engine.

    Macroquad is also an offender of this, as a mere cargo add bloats the release binary up to 70 whole Mibs, but I managed to shave off 10 Mibs in a few hours by cloning the repo and “forking” Macroquad and it’s huge math library, grim, and “de-bloating” them, and my game would still compile fine, so there’s much room for optimizing the binary size, as well as performance, since I am low-level enough to implement my own delta time.

    Also I am crazy about performance, which can be traced back to trying to run games on an HP compaq DC 5800 for 4 painful years, whose GPU is even worse than the laptop’s.


  • We have (somewhat?) similar action in the US, there was a republican GOP member in New Hampshire that was pushing to keep legal marriage set at 16 rather than 18, described the 16 year-olds as “ripe”…super creepy

    I am pretty sure he’s an awful person just because he’s an American politician.

    But you’re missing the point though, you still think of young marriage as an absolutely-no-questions-asked obscene thing, which is understandable, seeing that most western teenagers are brainwashed into thinking they’re kids, and are therefore immature and aren’t ready for marriage. (Which creates some other problems because that’s the natural age for marriage)

    Where I live, we have 16-year-old men marrying 14-year-old women, and they have a child a year or two later, and they’re really fine, except for maybe being less educated that they could have otherwise been. Speed of maturity actually depends mainly on two factors: difficulty of life (maturity of the mind and body), and heat of the climate (sexual maturity), and considering how high both were at the time of prophet PbUH, marrying at 9 is absolutely normal.

    In fact, I am sure there are many marriage-ready 9-year-old women at places like Uganda and the poor African nations.

    Actually, the idea of setting a minimum age only came to us with the french when they decided to colonize us, so of course we won’t look positively at ideas brought by people who came to rape and pillage, and it still doesn’t seem so bright considering they’re still pillaging us implicitly through corrupt political affairs.

    Isn’t it weird that some resource-rich nations are dead-poor, while something like London can look like science fiction, and that a system as inefficient as democracy continues to function, and that every citizen somehow has human rights, and that the electricity doesn’t get cut daily. To this day I have a hard time believing that flat asphalt roads exist, and that driving on them doesn’t feel like riding a roller coaster of some sort; NO IT MUST BE FICTION, I WON’T BELIEVE IT TILL I SEE IT WITH MY OWN EYES!!!

    Note to Americans: you guys might say: “Oh, but our medical system is a scam and colleges cause students to drown in debt because we normalized the disgusting act of usury!”, it’s just because your government’s is spending a third-of-the-world’s-military-budget worth of money on bombing Iraq and Yemen and Palestine and Cuba and Afghanistan and some other things in the name of “War On Terrorism” against those they pillaged. (No wait they made it back when they built a dock in Gaza to steal all their oil, so your government actually has no excuse, it must be corruption/falling into usury)

    On the topic of American wastage, I read an article long ago where Americans were concerned that a 2000$ houthi drone was usually dealt with using a 2m$ missile, so the Pentagon spokesman or something replied with what was essentially: “Don’t worry, Americans! the houthi’s “terrorism” is already causing much more economic harm, so that’s a negligible efficiency loss”, like, how is telling people that the situation is much worse than they imagine supposed to calm them down?

    Edit: I forgot Russia, almost the only nation America has any right to actually fight.

  • Here’s the problem with English: I can not use the word “you”, and still have people know whether I am talking to them, or to people like them in general. Some of my "you"s were plural, some were singular. I need some way of coping with this language.

    You replied to only 1 paragraph of mine, and decided I am a troll just for suggesting pushing that slavery/“pedophilia” might not be bad, unlike what you were taught.

    Here’s an article I remembered, it’s written by a Christian:

    Although you’ve been lied to, it’s not the lies that’s the problem. As an adult, you can a lot of the times tell when the media is manipulating you, especially in the last past decade it’s gotten so obvious even a Boomer could see it. But what you don’t see is how when you were lied to (or told selective truths) as a child, you didn’t have the same BS-detector, and that allowed a lot of deep-seated impressions about the world to be formed. So a lot of people who don’t believe anything the media says now (rightly) are still mind-cucked. They accept the programming and differ on the details.

    I will give you this hint. Basically all of your programmed emotional responses are your enemies. There was an old Moldbug blog post where he talked about even far after “awaking from his dogmatic slumber,” he still was surprised that if he saw a group of Nazi LARPers, he would reflexively have a pang of emotional stress, but if he saw Stalinist LARPers, he wouldn’t have the same kind of emotional reaction. I think everyone raised in the West has that same programmed reaction. You might know with your head that the communist death count is supposed to be higher and the suppression wider, but it doesn’t click because you weren’t made sensitive to it.

    Edit: no, actually, English isn’t the problem, since I appended “guys” to my statement about looking at religion and deciding it’s silly, you should know that I wasn’t talking about you personally.

    I think the biggest flaw is assuming you’re among the atheist/agnostic crowd, but even then, I appended that claim with “(I guess)” to indicate that I am indeed putting words in someone’s mouth. Maybe you’re among the Christian crowd, or maybe you’re a… Zionist Jew? Hindu?

    For any passing people, the original reply isn’t edited, so I am safe from that side of accusations.

  • Then let’s talk facts and logic, why is an older person marrying a younger person bad? because you’re an educated Atheist/Agnostic (I guess), you must’ve questioned what you were taught at childhood, unlike those brainwashed and spoon fed Christians.

    “Minimum age of marriage”, who came up with concept? it surely isn’t common sense since it only appeared less than a century ago, so what is it? Some may say that young marriage is a mere relic of the ancients, a result of their underdeveloped logic and science, and that our advanced logic is better and is infallible.

    But wait, your people, just mere a century ago saw people 2 centuries a ago the exact same way, and so did those before them, so using our logic, we can deduct that our logic is illogical.

    How about statistical data we can speculate, a mere century ago, how did the world look like? there was certainly very little employees, even Christians believed in their book, Javascript did not exist (alhamdulillah), young people were treated as adults, and people older than Israel who to this day live under bombing by your morally superior society were being born; How does something like the depression rate among their youth compare to today? It is reportedly much lower, so how did your generation fail? Surely with all that development of medicine and the like, your people should “logically” be much happier. Are you really strictly superior to the ancients?

    “But statistics back then were biased and limited”, I see your point, unlike the “infallible” statistics of today, those statistics were surely awful, so let’s move to broader ideas.

    At childhood, you were spoon fed many ideas, like “Slavery is unacceptable”, “The old marrying the young is awful”, and “Humans evolved from monkeys”. By using the fact that our logic is illogical, we can conclude that these aren’t concrete facts. How is slavery involved with almost every product in the average American household? how did the ancients grow up to be healthy adults? Again, ask your grandmother. How is there not, to this day, concrete evidence of humans evolving from anything but slightly taller humans?

    How is slavery unacceptable in your eyes, yet you can’t live without it? Is the average McDonalds worker treated better that how Islam treats slaves?

    How did the ancients grow up to be healthy individuals? Is insisting that you’re much better than the ancients truly your way of avoiding depression?

    Why is anything that goes against the theory of someone named Darwin, of whose book you know nothing, and whose theory’s shortcomings you are ignoring, and whose teachings you were fed in school, and whose ways you never questioned, mere ancient fables?

    But there stands, the teachings of Islam, Allah’s divine revelation to us, it never failed, for 14 centuries it stood unchanged, yet who reads it could never tell, that this book wasn’t written by a scholar of today, how could it so accurately describe today? how did our caliphate, only a mere century from today, stand strong? How didn’t we truly fail, until we forgot the words and called it a day?


    I got a little peotic at the end.

    You guys just look at Christians and decide that religion is dumb.

    I thought of finishing with some miracles like the 360 joints, the beating of alcoholics and adulterers, and camel milk+urine, but the article south_park_remark reply got too long.

    I realize these miracles can be individually dismissed, it is not their individual traits that will persuade, it is their collected wight. It is the fact that the prophet, peace be upon him, never claimed anything that is wrong, unlike scientists of a mere decade ago, and that his medicines did nothing but heal, unlike scientists of a mere decade ago.

    This is likely to get downvoted, I say this because mentioning downvotes in your posts/comments usually prevents them from being downvoted (a little psychological thing probably)

  • Doods@infosec.pubtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlgot him
    4 months ago

    I just got some idea yesterday regarding impl blocks, ready to be my respondent?

    I had a big impl block with 4 levels of indentation, so I cut the block, and replaced

    impl InputList {

    with mod impl_inputlist; and moved the impl block to a new file, and did not indent anything inside that block.

    The advantage this has over just not indenting the impl block in place, is that people will have difficulty distinguishing between what’s in the block and what’s outside, and that’s why the impl was moved to its own exclusive file, impl_inputlist.rs

    Maybe I am overstressing indentation. Ss there something wrong with my setup that prevents me from accepting 4-space indentation?

    I use:

    Editor: Neovide

    Font: “FiraCode Nerd Font Mono:h16” (16px fonts are addicintg)

    Monitor: 1366x768, 18.5 inch, 10+ years old, frankenstein-ly repaired Samsung monitor.

    Distance: I sit at about 40-60 Cm from my monitor.

    That leaves me with a 32x99 view of code excluding line numbers and such.

  • Inaccurate report,

    I just ran Neovim in terminal and was used to Neovide, so I thought it was choppy.

    Intel HD 630.

    There is, however, a 2D game - which I am not going to disclose the name of - that’s pretty broken. (It uses Adobe Flash as an engine)

    Also the steam client doesn’t maximize properly with tiling but I am sure that’s reported.

    I have been daily driving Cosmic for a week now; it caused me Arch-syndrome, everyday I run sudo apt update hoping to get some polish to the desktop.

    Edit: there’s more…

    Neovide’s transparency is completely broken, and shows a blank, though not a pitch black, color and screenshotting it results in seeing the text with a checkered background. (In the resulting screenshot only) (Running on Proton 8.0-5)

    clipboard=unnamed plus, the setting supposed to unify Neovim’s clipboard and system’s, doesn’t work. clipboard: error : Error: target STRING not available

    I also was unable to transfer a file to my phone using Cosmic Files, but Nemo worked, though I read that’s fixed in some Blog.

    Edit II: I just discovered popdev:master it seems to be a general unstable branch instead of just Cosmic things, but I took the risk and added it, I just have to remember to remove it once 24.04’s released

  • Doods@infosec.pubtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlgot him
    5 months ago

    Formatters are off-topic for this, styles come first, formatters are developed later.

    My other reply:

    How about this one? it more closely mirrors the switch example:

    match suffix {
    'G' | 'g' => mem -= 30,
    'M' | 'm' => mem -= 20,
    'K' | 'k' => mem -= 10,
    _ => {},

    How about this other one? it goes as far as cloning the switch example’s indentation:

    match suffix {
    'G' | 'g' => {
    	mem -= 30;
    'M' | 'm' => {
    	mem -= 20;
    'K' | 'k' => {
    	mem -= 10;
    _ => {},

  • Doods@infosec.pubtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlgot him
    5 months ago

    How about this one? it more closely mirrors the switch example:

    match suffix {
    'G' | 'g' => mem -= 30,
    'M' | 'm' => mem -= 20,
    'K' | 'k' => mem -= 10,
    _ => {},

    How about this other one? it goes as far as cloning the switch example’s indentation:

    match suffix {
    'G' | 'g' => {
    	mem -= 30;
    'M' | 'm' => {
    	mem -= 20;
    'K' | 'k' => {
    	mem -= 10;
    _ => {},