Doubledee [comrade/them]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2022


  • I mean I’m not a philosopher or an expert but I don’t think you can read Capital and not conclude that Marx is at least partially motivated by moral outrage. Page after page of examples of children doing dangerous and exhausting work, rigorously documenting just how little food workers are getting, he even waxes poetic at times to make it clear how bad he thinks the capitalists are when they defend these realities as necessary or moral.

    It’s not strictly necessary for the theory to be useful (hell, it seems like the worst capitalists clearly understand the theory, even if they don’t articulate it in the same terms) but Marx isn’t, in my opinion, neutral as to which side is good. Even if he would say it’s best to assume a scientific detachment I think he has picked a side, and not merely for material reasons.

  • My favorite Israeli history tidbit is how their terror cells assassinated one of the guys trying to negotiate a peaceful way out of the violence creating the state of Israel caused because they were (wrongly, it turns out) afraid that the official government would try to take a peaceful solution to the conflict which might have jeopardized the creation of the ethnostate.

    Bernadotte had previously gained international renown for negotiating the release of thousands of Nazi concentration camp prisoners including hundreds of interred Jewish people.

  • “It said an “immediate and sustained ceasefire” was “imperative” adding that “towards that end” unequivocal support should be given to the hostage negotiations.”

    Read the danged article folks, it’s just saying “a ceasefire would be good, they need to agree to our hostage deal to do that.” They’re not calling for a ceasefire unequivocally, it’s a continuation of the Biden position from a new venue in the hope that it will, aesthetically, look like they’re doing something.

    At least until we see the resolution we should be careful about just granting Joe credit foe this.

    Edit: That is the resolution, it’s literally just the Biden-Israel line of “agree to our deal and we’ll stop for 6 weeks” which they are peddling as if that amounts to a durable ceasefire.