I find useful stuff at the dump and make long winded rants against consumer culture. Inspired by Pickle Rick and whatever I can scrounge.

Workflow is Linux + Lineage based on free hardware.

Quit buying shit from companies that destroy the earth in the name of making the already rich even richer.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • You are delusional to think even one of the 9 million kids living in poverty in the US would buy a $1000 iPad as a tool to make music. In 5 years that fucking $1000 iPad is only worth cracking open to harvest as e-waste. A kid buying a $50 dollar pawnshop guitar is far more likely to continue to make listenable music than some fucking dipshit buying an iPad. Maybe in 5 years they can sell that guitar for $50 to another kid who will successfully make music. Or maybe they luck out and that guitar is worth $5000. The kid who can afford to buy the $1000 iPad will hopefully use this as a chance to learn about planned obsolesence…

    Here’s a thought, maybe an iPad is a wasteful piece of garbage technology. Maybe this isn’t a rant about technology and preventing opportunities, maybe its a rant against shitty technologies that are wasteful.

    Get off all our fucking lawns.