I’ve been called “a giant faggot” but I’m medium at most. ♥️

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • The link you offered does not seem authoritative.
    The example it proffered of:

    “Sometimes I don’t always feel like jogging” doesn’t make any sense.

    Makes perfect sense.

    Are you going to keep litigating “Sometimes inherently means sometimes not” or are you going to provide an example of a non-pejorative use of referring to a human being as though they themself were illegal?

  • The definition does not indicate it can be not derogatory—which makes sense because it’s derogatory.

    You despite claiming sans evidence that it is possible to refer to a human being with a pejorative adjective and it be anything other than derogatory, won’t even back up your claim with a single non-derogatory example of its use.

    I get why you won’t—'cause you can’t—but if you were right you’d think You could give an example rather than litigating the implied corollaries to “sometimes”.

  • How the hell are you supposed to play the game and “be better” than the opposition, when the opposition is taking advantage of you?

    You do that by not murdering them after you have taken power and over the means of production.

    Having all the world’s fortune in the hands of about 10 people. We can’t stop this by playing nice and asking nicely.

    Alright so you’ve seized all the money in the world and taken over all the land and machinery that enables production through the application of labor via militant witholding of the same. You and your comrades have all the guns.

    …why at that point do you need to use those guns to murder people who are no longer holding murderous control over those common resources?

    I refuse to acquiesce to or defend a system of belief that requires people die.

    Once you win, you don’t kill or you never had moral authority to employ violence in pursuit of winning in the first place.

  • being human
    which is what?

    A supernatural comedy drama on BBC3


    What are you, a toddler? You asked for a cutoff and I gave you one. If you didn’t want an answer, don’t ask.

    okay so when I die where does that dignity go? my writings? my body, my soul?
    because your version of this idea sounds anawful lot like a soul.

    What’s your point? I never mentioned “a soul” as it relates to human dignity but if even you seem to be using it as equivalent to or allegory for writings so what if it does sound like that?

    Like you seem to be trying to sculpt my position to some preconceived notion you have of organized faith so you can then attack that when I have never mentioned religion.

    I just said you shouldn’t murder people once you’ve already seized “their” assets.