• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Grundsätzlich ist das ein guter Ansatz.

    Mein Problem in solchen Situationen ist, dass die Gesprächspartner nicht rational denken / argumentieren und dadurch zu dem Schluss kommen, dass man an an einer persönlichen Beziehung interessiert ist und die Kapazität hat sich bei jeder Gelegenheit mit mit diesen bullshit Diskussionen auseinander zu setzen. Was auch vorkommen kann ist, dass der Gesprächspartner seinen Standpunkt für valide hält eben weil sich jemand damit auseinander setzt, auch wenn man absolut anderer Meinung ist.

    Deshalb würde ich auch versuchen, dass Gespräch zu beenden anstatt auf ein nicht politisches Thema zu lenken. Nicht zwangsläufig jedes Gespräch, aber die politischen.

  • I disagree, not because I think they have an agenda which may or may not yield similar results, but because the majority of Republicans aren’t Nazis. They do not want to extend the “Lebensraum” for Germans, they blame and marginalized different minorities and they are not running around in Nazi uniforms (again, the majority). That doesn’t make them in principle any better, but Nazis were as a matter of fact in Europe…

    There have been plenty of autocracies before, during and after Nazi Germany, Nazis were simply the term that stuck. Call them by what they really are: autocrats. They are unable to deny this. If you call them Nazi, the counter argument is obvious: we can’t be Nazis, because we. Didn’t kill millions of people in concentration camps(yet). Calling anybody a Nazi does not fulfill any purpose besides getting applause from people in the same bubble as you’re already in. That’s my point. Feel free to disagree.

  • Just to clarify, I was not referring to anybody as a Nazi, I simply noted, that the method of blocking votes and using “the system” against itself is not new. And when the methods someone uses have been deployed by the literal original nazis, then I find this noteworthy.

    I agree in general. The term is used as a strong word to clarify someone’s stand point, but besides cheers from within the own bubble and resistance from. The other bubble, nothing happens. The bubbles won’t be dissolved that way. I the end, I think, globally, there is no fight “left VS right” but democrats VS autocrats (not referring to the democratic party here) , and whoever values liberty should stand together against autocrats independently of the party someone prefers.

  • This is the key issue with the US system. People and parties complain about gerrymandering but the party in power only changes the map to profit in the next election instead of establishing a democratic system where every vote counts the same. It’s the same issue in Germany with direct mandates, which allow absolute minority parties to be represented in the parliament.