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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • Maybe it’s not universal but in school literal equation basically meant there were letters instead of numbers.

    It’s the term we use for instance when going from the equation of a line like y=3x+2 to lines in general y=ax+b (a and b in ℝ)

    And i agree it’s a lot better to specify to solve for x (because you can solve for anything or have multiple variables).

    Although x being a variable, and solving for it would be the most logical assumption.

  • For distance and mass, zero means no distance and no mass.

    For temperature though having none means no kinetic energy of atoms/molecules. It’s absolute zero, the zero Kelvin. So the other units are the weird ones.

    But since zero Kelvin isn’t a phenomenon you’ll ever encounter in nature, it makes Kelvin a pretty unappealing scale for everyday life.

    And thus we started making shit up…

    P.S. My bad Rankine also shakes hands with Kelvin about absolute zero, very demure, very mindful.

  • But should it be work?

    Should we really have a society where selling your body is an opportunity to make money.

    For instance, it imply that some poor women are gonna take it regardless the consequence, just because it’s the best alternative to pay the bills.

    I can barely tolerate the physical straining we put on some workers. Sex work’s consequences are unacceptable to me in that same sens, sometimes worse.

    So sure, no matter your opinion we should respect them, and not incriminate them!

    And of course not all sex work is the same… to be acceptable it just requires better conditions. It can’t be something you choose out of need.

  • Listening to the teacher is the willingness i’m speaking about, and taking it in require effort. That effort can technically be lessen by intelligence.

    However having a bad education system will drive intelligent people to drop it and be unwilling to learn in the first place. I guess that’s really what you meant.

    I didn’t go to school in the US so I can’t say if they are that terrible. Where I live they were always some teachers to raise the bar.

    That said if the richest didn’t finish school, those who haven’t finished school aren’t all rich. Plenty of them dropped for the wrong reasons.

    Furthermore getting rich isn’t always the goal, some smart people are passionate about subject that doesn’t pay as well but does require extensive study. For instance sciences are such fields.

    Unfortunately deciding if school is or isn’t for you isn’t much a matter of intelligence rather than wisdom.

  • That too, in some careers you have a chunk of memorizing like med school, but in school it’s just shouldn’t be an important part.

    Memorizing is an effort too, but usually smart kids memorize easier when there is interesting topic linked to it, like dates in history, authors etc…

    Honestly as a kid I wouldn’t have bothered to learn from just memorizing an exam.

    And yes, even though it wasn’t like that for me, internet has taught me a great deal still, what a time to be alive! (That’s the catch phrase of two minutes paper, great YouTuber to learn about computer sim / AI)

  • For good grades you need to be willing to learn and either put in some work or be intelligent.

    The kids with bad grades are often unwilling, few unintelligent.

    Intelligence can lead to be uninterested if the teacher is a bad one, but if the teacher is interesting the intelligent kid will do great without that much of an effort.

    Rewarding effort would be valuable for intelligent kid actually, since they often develop bad working habits because of it. But grades can never truly reflect it, and so no teacher is grading based on it.

    (except on high level studies were you need both intelligence and effort…)