GnastyGnuts [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2020


  • People need to be able to express interest in one-another somehow, and asking people about their hobbies is way better to me than asking about people’s jobs. Asking people about their interests is pretty harmless, compared to asking about jobs in a world where a lot of people hate their jobs, and rampant classism means that the question is sometimes a way of sizing people up. Besides, for a lot of people the only thing their job says about them is “this is the shit I came across that pays my bills for now.”

  • How’s the quality of life on menus?

    Like did they figure out infinite scrolling (i think it’s called that) for the augments list (for example) so I don’t have to scroll really slowly all the way to the bottom manually?

    When I change vocations will I have to re-equip every piece of gear, even if I’m changing classes that only really have different weapons?

    Does it still do that thing where it saves skills on a per-weapon basis so it just dumps all your moves whenever you change vocation if you had class-specific moves?

    Is going through items in storage still a pain in the ass? If I’m looking for a curative, will there be 10 other items with the exact same thumbnail (can’t even be bothered to change the color) and no ability to sort alphabetically?

    That sort of stuff was my biggest issue with the first game, spending way too much time dicking around in menus due to sub-optimal design.

    Also I hear stat growths are basically gone, is this true? Do I no longer have to worry about playing the vocations I actually want to just because they have sub-optimal stats?

    Also 2: I’m getting a vibe this game isn’t as “speed-runny” as the first game was. What I mean by this is, while obviously this too will have speedrunners, it seemed like the first game had certain aspects almost built for running through it on repeated playthroughs, and of course even had a dedicated speedrun mode eventually introduced through DLC. DD2 doesn’t seem to present itself that way.

  • Your post reminds me a bit of a recent Trashfuture podcast episode where the hosts were talking about the AI Willy-Wonka fiasco in Scotland or wherever that was, and a point they made was that the only endearing or worthwhile thing about it was the humor and “soul” of real humans trying to work with ridiculous AI garbage.

    I mostly just hate AI “art” because most of what I’ve seen has been godawful, and its proponents are usually off-putting douches. A more abstract and long-term concern I have is a sort of self-sabotage of human artistic ability, where we take art out of the hands of humans and what we actually make ourselves and make it all just prompts for the AI to crap out. Humans can make art themselves with enough practice, even people who are “untalented” get appreciably better with enough practice, I’ve literally seen it. I don’t want people to have this attitude where they rule themselves out and act like there’s no point in learning because they can just lean on some AI model.