GodDamnAmercia [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2022


  • Ussr did not fall because of its external policies but rather internal policies.

    It was both external pressure and internal contradictions.

    Ussr’s only anti imperialist failure was Palestine

    This is not true but even if it was the fact they all fell after the USSR fell meant the revolution there was not built to last and the failures must be acknowledged if we are to correct our future approach.

    China will not gain trust or acceptance because their propaganda sucks/doesn’t exist and saying “pls no” when people are genocided instead of sending arms to the victims doesn’t seem to be winning hearts of the people.

    Aside from the fact the the resistance is already being supplied by the Axis of Resistance and the huge stockpile of weapons left to them by the USSR,China and other communist country’s along with the new innovations of the resistance including the new Al-Yassin 105 rockets produced in Gaza that is destroying Merkava tanks and their own ability to produce sniper rifles (Ghoul) and ammunition for their AK’s. The resistance has prepared a long time for October 7th and the massacres against civilians does not take away their military achievements. China’s propaganda is as it has been for a long time now emphasizing that the US is the threat to international law and world order and offers an alternative based on mutual prosperity through their economic programs (Belt and Road) improving the material conditions of former colonized countries allowing them to take steps independent of their formal colonial masters. You can disagree with this approach and wish they would do more I would like them too as well however this was a path decided upon because of the fall of the USSR and failure of exporting the revolution to other countries.

    It is very unlikely for anyone to be communist in Yemen and If they are, it is in spite of a communist country whose policy is to ignore sufferings of people selling weapons to their starvation. And I can’t see Palestinians “pulling their selves up by their bootstraps”

    Yemen has a communist history( Peoples Democratic Republic of South Yemen) itself mired by achievements and failures some of which can be directly contributed to the USSR which was it’s main backer. The communists that remained in Yemen after Ali Abdullah Saleh purged them ended up supporting AnsarAllah while others fled to Riyadh and work now for the coalition against Yemen (which is reprehensible). If there is any spite against communism in Yemen it is due to the failure of the Yemeni Socialist Party to manage it’s internal contractions which led to it being defeated after the fall of the USSR and those that now sully the name of socialism by supporting the Gulf/US genocidal war on Yemen.

    And I can’t see Palestinians “pulling their selves up by their bootstraps”. Israel has losses but they seem very sustainable given they are funded by USA. Egypt is preparing mass exodus. Israel is successfully starving the population.

    The Palestinians are not helpless little victims they are fighting tooth and nail dealing grievous losses to Zionist soldiers every day while Israel in return can only massacre civilians the resistance by all a credible accounts are still in good health while Hezbollah has been terrorizing Israel in the North every day since Oct 8th and anger and resistance operations are ever increasing in the West Bank. Loses are not sustainable because of the psychological effects and plummeting morale of Zionists troops and also the fact that the US must support it’s other proxies with weapons most notably Ukraine which has sucked up tons of the US and other Western powers military equipment the US is not depleted but it’s supply is not endless. The resistance has adapted to this style of aerial warfare evidenced by it’s tunnel system which majorly negates the power of the Zionist Air Force. Even with economic assistance from the US the blockade and the War is still causing the Israel economy to scream no matter how much they try to hid it. As to Egypt it is still just conjecture (they are preparing a new security border zone from the looks of it) however if true would undoubtedly cause a harsh reaction not just from the Palestinians who say they will refuse to be subject to another displacement but among the people of Egypt as well. Sisi is not exactly a beloved figure in Egypt and perhaps doing this will lead to his ousting in another free officers coup… I do not know how likely it is but I think it is best not to understate that the people of Egypt are with Palestine if not the rulers. Israel is starving the population it is true however it is not yet successful. The siege of Leningrad lasted 872 days we are on day 145 I believe in Gaza. The Soviets were the victors of that siege in the end despite how horrific it was. It is not a one to one comparison obviously but it is too early to say if this starving will bring Gaza to it’s knees despite it’s obviously disgusting effects on the people.

    Fall of imperialist projects has everything to do with ussr funding its victims. It is quite unlikely for imperialism victims destroying imperialist actors without any funding when their enemy is funded to death

    Imperial projects have been brought down by it’s own people many times before most notably in the October Revolution where the Russian Empire was destroyed for good by it’s own people. And Gaza you forget is not alone Iran,Yemen,Syria,Iraq,Lebanon stand behind them especially the military support of Hezbollah in Lebanon and AnsarAllah in Yemen with Weapons and economic assistance provided from Iran. The axis of resistance is a real thing and it stands squarely with Palestine and against the US throughout the region. Palestine is not fighting alone.

  • Exporting the revolution has failed the fall of the USSR and then the fall of every socialist country supported by them in Africa and the middle east proves that a new direction must be taken one that does not rely upon foreign saviors but is instead deeply rooted in the people of those countries. The fall of communism in the 90’s and onward proved how weak the revolutions were in these countries being totally reliant on the USSR and China for support. A revolutionary movement that relay’s on foreign powers for support and not their people is dangerous as it’s weakness and lack of organizing every facet of society was exposed upon the USSR’s collapse. Marxism Leninism faltering is the direct fault of the Communist Party of The Soviet Union for allowing the country to be destroyed leaving people in abject misery and gangster-ism not to mention the wars and conflicts that continue to this day due to it. I agree Hamas is popular because of the support it has gotten from it’s inception from Qatar and Egypt and now Iran obviously however conditions have changed from the times of the PLO the resistance has gotten stronger (Example: The tunnel system and the ability to destroy Zionist heavy armor with new RPG shells and increased manufacturing ability within the Gaza strip) while the Zionist entity has clearly degraded from it’s heights of military prowess for many reasons which I wont start typing cause it would be alot. It is currently the job of the PFLP to join with Hamas and other factions to defeat the Zionists however after liberation that will change to making a affirmative stance that only socialism can lead Palestine forward and convincing the people. I do not know which country you come form but China has supported tons of revolutionary groups in Africa and the middle east they were not as powerful as the USSR was at the time so there support was less so based on the material reality of China at the time. China by it’s very nature as a socialist state and the biggest manufacturing power in the world along with its population has always made it an enemy of the west of that the CPC has no illusions. China has been an inspiration because of it’s achievements and it shows a path that other country’s can take and are taking common prosperity as they call it. Do I wish that president Xi can snap his fingers and bring world communism sure but it is not a materialist view of the world which as Marxists we must take. I won’t touch on the USSR not trusting China because they both did not trust each after the Sino-Soviet split in which many mistakes were made by both parties however both supported Vietnam to the hilt against the US and the south Vietnam puppet government. The border war launched by China on Vietnam was just another mistake in the larger context of Sino-soviet one. Should China provide more support to the Palestinian and other causes sure I would like to see it but we have been down this road before and to tread it again without examining both past failures and current conditions is foolhardy. China’s current strategy is to appear the rational country against the irrationality and self destruction of the US empire. You can disagree with this strategy but China and the USSR sending arms to the PLO did not end Israel and exporting the revolution has for the most part been a failure. The question now is what is to be done? The communist’s movement must move ahead and lead the proles in countries around to the world to their own victory instead of being a passive spectator and to say that there is no revolutionary potential in America and elsewhere is not just nihilistic but wrong. Waiting for a foreign power to save you is not just a bad look for the communist movement but any movement that wants to gain the trust and acceptance of the people. The Palestinian people will win themselves and with the help of the Axis of resistance we must win also everywhere.

  • The USSR helped the establishment of the state of Israel via huge weapons transfer from Czechoslovakia and politically backed it in the hopes of creating a socialist country in an area dominated by Monarch’s and Western powers. While obviously a mistake in hindsight such a crucial mistake and misreading of the character of this new country founded on apartheid and forced displacement was unacceptable. Also like @[email protected] said below the USSR was around and did not invade or destroy Israel, however the idea that they just stood by is inane both the Soviet Union and China provided much support arms,intelligence and of course political support for a Palestinian state. The USSR was destroyed by historical nihilism, liberal reforms, unchecked bourgeois nationalism and gangster-ism among others. China still exists and have stopped exporting the revolution as it has not worked! Instead pivoting to common prosperity between all countries while their continued success becomes inspiration to all communists everywhere and proves that a better future is possible! If blame is to be laid anywhere is not that China and the USSR did not somehow destroy Israel but instead a failure of the American proletariat and Vanguard parties for not being able to seize power and stopping their country’s support for Israel which without America could not exist! Expecting China and the USSR to solve all the worlds problems while the first world proles cheer lead and gives a thumb up from the sideline is a dangerous and non materialist view of the world’s progression to socialism, the American masses cannot be mere spectators and expect the rest of world of the world to come to their rescue. The American masses have more than any other a obligation to struggle and seize power for themselves as this would bring the empire to it’s end. No more excuses the workers purchasing power has cratered and so has the cost of living increased the great bargain struck between workers and the American bourgeois after WW2 is over. The American proles with communists at the head must struggle now and push ahead towards a final confrontation with the bourgeois and stop becoming a spectator of history to enact it.

  • Exporting the revolution is dangerous because without a developed proletarian consciousness and Vanguard Party to guide the masses of said country a new revolutionary government would rely totally on the the country that liberated them politically without properly dealing with and understanding the internal contradictions that govern that country. Alot of communist parties made the mistake of copying and obeying every guidance from Moscow before and during the cold war while I am sure were sincere did not take into account the unique conditions of the people because they were not among them. Example the USSR being down on the CPC for organizing the peasantry as a revolutionary class instead of the urban proles after the failures they suffered in the 20’s and of course there relationship with the KMT and the being against the civil war and instead wanting the CPC to form a unity government due to the belief that they could not win against the KMT. The CPC under Mao decided that following the USSR’s every dictate was not the correct decision for the party and they were vindicated in 1949. Other parties however that did not have a sufficient connection with the people and a firm grasp of dialectics misunderstood the position they ought to take and instead relied upon the USSR as the first and most powerful socialist country to guide them completely. Many words to say that a long lasting revolution can only be brought about by the people of said country we cannot wait for China to save us.