
  • 19 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023

  • I absolutely loved 2. I beat 2 before I beat 1, but went back and beat 1, and beat 2 multiple more times.

    I can’t say I have an order, but I love:

    • Kingdom Hearts 2
    • Kingdom Hearts 3
    • Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep

    Those are my favorite from the series as whole.

    I really couldn’t ever get into Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories or Re:Chain of Memories.

    Back in the day, I bought Birth by Sleep and beat it, but wanted more; so there was an English Patch of the final mix for PSP available and beat that too. And when the collection came out on PS4 (Before the PC release) I went and bought a PS4 Pro just for KH collection. Which now I am going back and beating all of them again but on Proud.

  • Glad to hear another success story of someone who dropped Windows.

    I dropped Windows on all of my machines over a month ago. My 2 desktops and 1 laptop I own are on Arch. I can’t fully escape Windows completely due to music production software I use due to lack of support for the hardware on Linux. (Thanks Line6…) So I run a Windows VM in QEMU with USB passthrough, but with no network access.

    I wrote an alias to count days its been since I switched to Linux full time.

    It wasn’t a difficult switch for me. Even with the learning curve. I actually enjoy the tinkering and learning aspect.

  • I cannot take credit for finding the solution. Someone on a discord chat I found was able to help me. The fix:

    1 Open a terminal:

    Unlock the LUKS partition:

    cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p2 arch

    2 Mount the BTRFS filesystem: Since BTRFS has subvolumes, you need to mount the correct subvolume:

    mount -o subvol=@ /dev/mapper/arch /mnt

    3 Mount the necessary virtual filesystems:

    mount --types proc /proc /mnt/proc
    mount --rbind /sys /mnt/sys
    mount --make-rslave /mnt/sys
    mount --rbind /dev /mnt/dev
    mount --make-rslave /mnt/dev

    4 Bind the boot partition (if separate): If you have a separate boot partition, you need to mount it too:

    mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/boot

    5 Chroot into your system:

    arch-chroot /mnt

    6 Fix your fstab: Ensure that your /etc/fstab file inside the chroot environment is correctly set up. You might need to generate a new one using genfstab:

    genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

    7 Update GRUB: Reinstall and update GRUB to ensure it is correctly installed:

    grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=GRUB
    grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

    Exit the chroot environment:


    Unmount all the filesystems:


    umount -R /mnt
    cryptsetup luksClose arch

    8 Reboot:


  • I wasn’t meaning to conflate the two, as I see your point. I didn’t claim it was FOSS, just that the source was available.

    I know for me, I don’t mind using software that is licensed so that it doesn’t directly fall under FOSS. I just like the availability to view the source vs closed source software being a total black box.

    I have no plans to monetize their work, nor fork it, only use it.