Popperinge en Belgique: 332 100 ng/l !!!
Le nombre de prélèvement dans les grands bassins industriels français est suspucieusement faible en comparaison à nos voisins (Belgique, Pays-Bas, Ruhr, plaine du Pô…)
Popperinge en Belgique: 332 100 ng/l !!!
Le nombre de prélèvement dans les grands bassins industriels français est suspucieusement faible en comparaison à nos voisins (Belgique, Pays-Bas, Ruhr, plaine du Pô…)
It’s not a sudden irrational reaction to a financial collapse; more a strategy to remain autonomous and shield themselves from predatory practices from the US and China
Do it faster!
How is it that I managed toiss these guys back in 2016? Great share, thank you!
Has there been any significant dent into Tesla’s sale recently?
Bean-master level unlocked!
Mostly the part where words don’t mean anything and reality is crafted by the oppressor.
I hate that this is a meme.
Darth Vader
Where one learns that a liar, robber, sociopath rapist can be a nice grandfather…
I see a Mercator projection, I downvote
There can be several issues in a complex world
T’inquiète que si ça coûtait plus cher de contrôler, ils arrêteraient. Dans tous les systèmes urbains de TC, la participation des usagers représente une part importante, bien que minoritaire, du coût au km.
Ha! Je JDD qui dénonce Reddit! On aura tout vu!
That’s some quality shower thought!
OK, thanks for the simile, it makes sense. I didn’t notice the trend but it might be so. I tend to skeem through / skip entierly comments that are clearly not on topic. Also, I like that all you characters have a name that starts with M!
I understand the concern and certainly believe that troll farms are slowly creeping into Lemmy as it gains traction. However, I think most of US bashing is authentic as it reflects the enormous impact of US political life on the rest of the planet. Moreover, other countries receive a constant flux of information about the US, to the point where it seems that US news is as important as domestic news. The fact that Trump remains omnipresent in the media doesn’t help either.
Cute singing dinosaur!