Hexagons [e/em/eir]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • Every country has Nazis, Russia certainly has significantly more than Ukraine.

    Woof. Buddy. If we’ve built any rapport, you and I, I’d like to cash it in here. Please, for me, spend some time and energy trying to back up this specific claim, that Russia has more actual Nazis than Ukraine. I don’t think this is true, but if you, who I’ve had positive interactions with, can come up with some evidence for its truth, I’ll consider it, truly. For real, I’m not doing propaganda, I’m not trying to lead you into a trap, I’m asking you to please, spend some time looking into this claim to see if you actually agree with it upon closer inspection. And if you do, well then I promise I’ll truly think about the evidence you present, I’ll come at it with no preconceived notions, honestly believing that my friend Zetta might be correct.

  • I’m going to push back on just one thing you’ve said, which is that you don’t think anyone could change any minds here. That’s blatantly false. I have my mind changed all the time, and I’ve seen it happen with other people on here too. We’re willing to have our minds changed and we understand that we’re fallible and other people know more than we do about various things.

    I think maybe what you meant to say is that you understand that hexbears can’t be convinced to go back to being libs. And that’s true. I’ll never again think that the Democrats are anything other than my enemies. I used to think they were my allies, but I’ve changed my mind and I see now that they never were and never will be. So in that sense I guess you’re right, but politics is so much bigger and more complicated than just red vs blue, elephant vs donkey.

    Free yourself from the two-party bourgeois democracy you were born into. You’re young, you have so much learning to do and so much time in which to do it! Lurk here and actually read the things people post. I’ve learned so much from my fellow hexbears and I hope you will too.

  • I get my dissenting opinions simply by existing in the society in which I exist. The hexbear “echo chamber” as you put it is small and powerless. This place is a tiny refuge, a brief respite from all the shitiness I see in my day to day life.

    Hexbear isn’t an “echo chamber” in the same way the republican media circuit is, because we have to leave it. Republicans never do. They can read articles and watch talking heads and never once be challenged on their beliefs. As a communist, I’m challenged on my beliefs every single day. Most articles I read and most talking heads I watch disagree with me.

    We respond to lost libs like you for a few reasons. One is maybe we’ll change a mind, not necessarily yours but perhaps a lurker reading the conversation. Another is entertainment. It’s really funny when someone wanders in here and is the living embodiment of the memeing we do. Sometimes we want an argument, usually because we’re having a shitty day and just want to be an asshole on the Internet. This isn’t a good motivation and I wish it didn’t happen, but it does. None of us is immune.

    You’re getting responses not because we’re unused to being challenged, but because we want to respond to you for whatever reason. My response here is explaining our inner workings so hopefully you can come away from this thread seeing us as people with ideas that we believe. We haven’t been tricked into thinking as we do, most of us go against the grain of our societies to come to our beliefs. I want to change a mind today, ideally yours, and I’ve chosen a gentle tone full of candor to try to do so. Will it be effective? I have no way of knowing, but I hope so. Please realize we’re not bots or russian agents or trapped in a cult or whatever, we’re humans with thoughts and experiences that have led us to our beliefs.

  • My person opinion is all politics, racial issues and gender identity should be left out of games and writers should create the stories that they want to create

    I’m sorry, but this is a silly and contradictory opinion. For one thing, what if a writer wants to write a story about racism or gender? Should they be allowed to write the story they want to write, even though you consider it “political”? For another, games have been political since extremely early in the history of games. The original Deus Ex is from 2000 and most of its themes were explicitly political. Fallout: New Vegas has multiple gay characters and (through its super mutants) deals with issues of racial prejudice. I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream came out in 1996 and one of its main characters is a black woman.

    What I’ve noticed about people who say they don’t want “politics” in their games is that they really just want to play games with political messages they already agree with. There’s no such thing as an apolitical work of art, and that applies to games too, unless you’re saying games aren’t (and shouldn’t be) art?

    Play the games you want to play, I don’t give a shit. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that games are “more political” than they used to be. They aren’t.

    Edit: Oh, you’re the same person who was whining about Sweet Baby Inc a few days ago. I’m wasting my time talking to you. Have a good day

  • If you enjoy the vibes of Baumgartner Restoration, there’s a big backlog there. It’s art restoration, so you kind of have to turn off the “fine art is money laundering for the ultra wealthy” part of your brain to enjoy it, but if you can do that, it’s quite soothing.

    Frostprime is a high-energy streamer with sometimes problematic chat/jokes who posts daily YouTube videos, often of Slay the Spire. I go through cycles where I find him incredibly funny for a few weeks and then can’t stand him anymore.

    There’s a whole series of Elden Ring Bingo matches where speed runners race to complete various tasks in Elden Ring. It’s pretty fun if you’re into it, probably dreadfully boring if not.

    Clips of British panel shows can be good. I’ve been watching Taskmaster recently, which actually has full episodes on YouTube, very nice. Would I Lie to You clips are also pretty top notch. I think there are some full episodes too, but I haven’t really looked.

    I’ll second Colin Furze, he’s great. A sort of similar vibe (not really) is I Did a Thing. He often makes things, hardly ever wears shoes, and puts way too much effort (just the right amount) into his throwaway bits. He’s also an actual leftist and half of Boy Boy, although his leftism rarely comes up on the I Did a Thing channel. My one issue with him is that I’m vegan and some of his videos are incredibly not vegan friendly. Lotta gross stuff with dead animal bits, so if that’s an issue for you, be wary.

    Oh, also, Viva La Dirt League is pretty great and also has a huge backlog. You’ll almost certainly enjoy at least one of their long-running series. I particularly like Souls Logic and wish there were more of it.

  • I’m saying that if sufficient infrastructure exists then it’s fine to just ban SUVs entirely because they’re not necessary.

    I think I’m a big dumdum because I didn’t realize until literally this comment that this is the other, better, non-carbrained solution. I was over here like “so what, you just want people with SUV’s to decide of their own accord not to drive them into downtown because suddenly they realize they’re bad people for doing so? Never gonna happen.”

    But now that I see your much better idea, simply ban all SUVs from Paris, I’m entirely on board! I do think that’s going to be a harder law to pass than hiking parking fees, but it would definitely be a much better one!