Ithorian [comrade/them, he/him]

  • 39 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2020


  • Ostara, the name of the holiday we actually celebrated, is on the equinox, Easter stole a ton of traditions but slightly changed the day.

    It’s a celebration of spring, new life and fertility. Eggs and rabbits are both symbols of fertility hence their co-option into Easter. The history of Ostara herself is really interesting as you can actually trace her beginnings back Ishtar, one of humanity’s easiest known deities.

  • I just wonder if it’s a simple generational thing where whatever you grow up with becomes the baseline compared to which anything older looks increasingly primitive and impenetrable

    Maybe for some people but I started gaming on DOS and NES and for the most part I dislike old games. I have tons of nostalgia for stuff like Myst and Golden Eye but going back to play them is just not fun. A part of my problem might be that I get motion sick and old games can be really bad for that. Original NES games can still be fun, super mario 3 will remain one of the best games ever made.