Kolibri [she/her]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 28th, 2023

  • @[email protected] I hope it’s okay to ping you? I just wanted to say like, this part in section 4 really reminded me a lot of what you said last week about like, underemployment

    The third category of the relative surplus population, the stagnant, forms a part of the active labour army, but with extremely irregular employment. Hence it furnishes to capital an inexhaustible reservoir of disposable labour power. Its conditions of life sink below the average normal level of the working class; this makes it at once the broad basis of special branches of capitalist exploitation. It is characterised by maximum of working-time, and minimum of wages. We have learnt to know its chief form under the rubric of “domestic industry.” It recruits itself constantly from the supernumerary forces of modern industry and agriculture, and specially from those decaying branches of industry where handicraft is yielding to manufacture, manufacture to machinery.

  • venting about like I dunno, my emotions I guess. cw: suicide

    good energetic mood from yesterday is now gone and now I just really want to die. Again. Constantly back and forth. I just really hate living sometimes and it would be nice to just not be alive sometimes. Everything will be okay, I know things will be okay probably. It just probably like, a lot of stuff from last week coming back and just weighing things down. and just like. it feels like I need to take a really deep breath and just breath. I dunno, but I am def. like physically tired to. at least today. I really want to go back to sleep despite just like waking up not too long ago.

  • I was kind of thinking about like the end of section three. Mainly with this part

    as soon as they discover that the degree of intensity of the competition among themselves depends wholly on the pressure of the relative surplus population; as soon as, by Trades’ Unions, &c., they try to organise a regular co-operation between employed and unemployed in order to destroy or to weaken the ruinous effects of this natural law of capitalistic production on their class, so soon capital and its sycophant, Political Economy, cry out at the infringement of the “eternal” and so to say “sacred” law of supply and demand. Every combination of employed and unemployed disturbs the “harmonious” action of this law.

    but why isn’t like organization of the unemployed not talk about much compared to like organization of the employed in today’s time? since both each play a role with like the accumulation of capital. and what would organization of the unemployed mean or look like? or like that regular co-operation between employed and unemployed

    the only closet idea I have of like that and to what Marx said. Is like, when it comes to strikes, organized workers not wanting anyone to be scabs?

  • hehehehehehe, losing my mind. my dad was passed out on on his chair… again. but he was fine. anyways he woke up. and I thought he was going to bed. since this is pretty normal. instead… he asks if I wanted to go to the store… at midnight… because he thought we needed something? and he was ready to head out. but like he slowly realized that like. it’s midnight and that we don’t need anything…

    and… heheheheheheheheheheheeh. I’m just gonna turn to my spiritual beliefs now if I don’t want to get all self harm like or something on myself. but I certainty do want to cry

  • venting about my dad again

    my dad cough today sounds very bad just like yesterday. I know I vented on here before a lot, about how bad his cough is. but just. fuck it sounds bad today. and he keeps fucking ignoring me how he should get it checked since like october. since its probably related to his drinking. trying not to let it affect me, but it def. like, puts parts of me, on overdrive that something wrong and that nothing gonna be okay and why am I even bothering trying to live

    and. just. I have to convince myself that it’s gonna be okay. things are gonna be okay. it’s gonna be alright.

  • It is scary, its just like. How could they pretend that like nothing just happened? Like morgues being full that like freezer trucks have to be used. My mom worked in a part of healthcare. She saw what happened before dying last year from other stuff. Meanwhile like, my siblings? They downplay covid, refusing to even get vaccinated, and just like… It angers me. Especially since like my mom saw what covid did, and my mom tried encouraging my siblings to get vaccinated and take it seriously. But they just dismissed her after like the stuff she’s seen. She also caught covid herself to a few times to and it got bad at a few points.

    and I just don’t know how. How do people ignore all this stuff or pretend like nothing happened?